Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
May 17, 2018
5:00 PM
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham; Allen Jones; Ann Marie McCrystal; Tracey Zudans; Karen Deigl
EXCUSED: Barbara Bodnar; Dr. Michael Weiss;Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
STAFF : Ann Marie Suriano; Jennifer Frederick; Kate Voss
OTHER ATTENDEES: Aracely Romero; Eliecer Romero; Deb Hawkins; Lundy Fields; Val Zudans; Vicki Soule; Linda Walton; Matt Reiser;
Angela Dickens
Convene Meeting- Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham convened the regular monthly meeting of the IRCHD at 5:00 PM by welcoming those in attendance.
Invocation-Pastor Aracely Romero provided the invocation for the meeting.
Consent Agenda- Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman IRCHD
Mrs. Cunningham asked for a motion to approve the Chairman Meeting minutes dated April 18; Regular Monthly Meeting minutes dated April 19, and a May disbursement of $1,067,897.50 made the motion, which was seconded by Mrs. Bodnar. The motion carried unanimously.
Chairman’s Report- Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman IRCHD
Mrs. Cunningham stated that at yesterday’s Chairman’s meeting the board discussed the current guidelines that the District uses to qualify indigent. Currently they accept individuals who are financially under 150% of the Federal Poverty Guideline. There was discussion on raising the level to 200% but the board decided to conduct further research on this matter before approving any changes to its current policy. Additionally, she provided an update concerning the partnership process with Cleveland Clinic. She stated that they hope to have a draft agreement for the Trustees to review and comment on in June. Received
Financial Statement Review- Allen Jones, Treasurer
Mr. Jones provided the Treasurers report and stated that the District remains in sound financial condition. However, the District’s program expenditures are running slightly over budget by approximately $200,000. As a result, this year’s operating budget will be tight and there may be a need to utilize some reserve funds. Mr. Jones explained that currently, there are sufficient reserves to manage if expenditures run over budget but as he discussed previously, Trustees should be mindful of allocating further funds that are not currently in the budget.
Mr. Jones stated that at the end of April, the District bank accounts held about $9.7 million of which approximately $2.5 million is set aside as reserves for specific purposes. This leaves $7.2 million available for operational expenses, plus another $700,000 in projected tax revenue not yet received. This brings the total to $7.9 million less than expenditures approved for payment this month.
District Counsel Report- Ann Marie Suriano
Mrs. Suriano stated that she continues her involvement with the Indian River County Leadership program and today the group toured agencies that support the economy and tourism, along with culture and heritage of Vero Beach.
IRMC, Inc. Monthly Report- Nursing Update- Linda Walton, RN, SVP/CNO
Ms. Walton provided an update concerning IRMC nursing. She explained that the hospital has improved staffing levels on the medical surgical and intermediate level of care units. Additionally, they have doubled the number of graduate nurses entering into the IRMC Nurse Residency Program and are seeing at 93% retention rate with the graduates. Further, the hospital has started a critical care nursing internship program and have expanded the internal float pool. Ms. Walton informed the Trustees that IRMC has been able to decrease the use of agency or temporary RN staffing, which has cut cost significantly. She further reviewed the latest achievements at the hospital. Recently they received the American Heart Association “Get with the Guidelines” Gold Plus Achievement. Additionally, IRMC received the Beacon Award for critical care for the 16th consecutive year.
Funded Agency Quarterly Report-
New Horizons- Anette Gosselin, CFO
Ms. Gosselin provided a 6-month update concerning New Horizons financial and client data. She explained that there was a slight decline in number of patients served but that service volumes have increased, which indicates that patients are maintaining their treatment plans. She further reviewed client data concerning unduplicated visits and case management services. Ms. Gosselin stated that New Horizons receives approximately 20 to 25 referrals weekly. Out of those referrals, 10-15 of them come from local health agencies such as the McCabe Connections Center, TCCH, and the IRMC Behavioral Health Center. Additionally, Ms. Gosselin explained that a continued challenge for New Horizons is the cost of service, specifically the cost of psychiatric services where the clinic at times will pay more for an hour of service than what is reimbursed by funders. Throughout the month of April, New Horizons has billed $33,373 for services provided to indigent patients. They will most likely surpass their FY 2017-2018 budget and Ms. Gosselin indicated that they would be requesting additional funding next month.
Treasure Coast Community Health, Inc.- Vicki Soule, CEO
Ms. Soule provided a brief historical update concerning TCCH. She stated that their goal is to delivery accessible, cost-effective, high quality primary care for all, regardless of their socioeconomic status. She gave a reviewed of District reimbursement data for services in the third quarter. TCCH has also seen an increase in volume concerning patient visits in dental, medical and behavioral health services. She further reviewed the clinic patient satisfaction scores regarding patient care and ease of appointment scheduling. The average satisfaction score was around 95% positive. Lastly, Ms. Soule discussed TCCH quality measures which include the patient experience, care coordination and safety, along with preventative health.
Public Comment-
Val Zudans, community member congratulated his wife Tracey Zudans on her Vero Dancing with the Stars win. Mrs. Zudans raised approximately $75,000 for Healthy Start by competing in the competition. Additionally, Dr. Zudans provided feedback concerning the IRC Health Department and its transition to fee for service. Since the transition to fee for service, they Health Department have had to cut staff and are not offering as many adult primary care appointments. He encouraged the Trustees to have a system in place where the patients who used to seek care at the Health Department, are aware of the transition and inform them of other health agencies in the county that will provide primary care services to them, such as TCCH. He believes that if these patients are not aware of other agencies, they will continue to utilize the emergency department for non-emergent issues.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM