Regular Monthly Meeting
Indian River County Commission Chambers
February 20, 2020 @ 5:00 p.m.
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Allen Jones
Ann Marie McCrystal Barbara Bodnar
Dr. Michael Weiss
ABSENT: Karen Deigl Tracey Zudans
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Frederick
Kate Voss Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
ATTENDEES: Carrie Lester Michelle Genz
Marie Andress Andrea Greelee
Diana Grossi James Large
Myra Weiss Vicki Soule
Aracely Romero
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham convened the regular monthly meeting of the Indian River County Hospital District (“IRCHD”) at 5:00 p.m.
Invocation- Pastor Aracely Romero provided the invocation for the meeting and Dr. Weiss led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda- Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham asked for a motion to approve the Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes dated January 16; and a February disbursement of $1,186,012.41. Dr. Weiss made the motion, which was seconded by Ms. Bodnar. The motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Cunningham stated that the new United Against Poverty center is now open to the community, Monday through Friday. She attended the grand opening with many other community leaders. Additionally, Cleveland Clinic was awarded, for the 10th year in a row, the ethics award out of 13,000 companies which were considered. She informed the board that Cleveland Clinic has now increased their starting wage to $13 dollars an hour for its employees. Further, the community health needs assessment being conducted by the Community Foundation, United Way and Health Department, will be completed by the end of the month. So far, they have found the biggest need in the community is for mental health services. Lastly, Indian River County has been designated as an age friendly community, which is just the beginning of understanding what the designation means to the community as a whole.
District Counsel Report – Jennifer D. Peshke, Esq.
Mrs. Peshke provided her report and stated that following the Board’s request she has worked with the District’s Executive Director to review the District’s Bylaws for any suggested updates. The document has been circulated for Trustee comment and approval. She has responded to the District’s annual Auditor’s letter that is sent out each year in January. She has further reviewed the annual deadlines and deliverables due to the District under the Lease with CCIRH and sent correspondence summarizing this to the District office.
Financial Statement Review – Allen Jones, Treasurer
Mr. Jones provided the financial report and stated that the District remains in sound financial state with approximately $13 million in its accounts. After this month’s disbursement of $1.2 million, he anticipates the District will spend close to $10 million in expenses for the remainder of the fiscal year. He further expects the District to receive an additional $1.5 million in tax revenues over the last eight months of this fiscal year.
Executive Director Report- Ann Marie Suriano, Executive Director
Mrs. Suriano stated that along with her written report, she would also like to inform the board that she has received the premilitary FY 18-19 Audit report and is working on the Management Discussion and Analysis with Mr. Jones. Additionally, there are a few pieces of legislation being considered during this session, that are of importance to Special Districts in Florida. These items relate to ADA compliance and Board Ethics. She will continue to keep track of these and update the board accordingly. Lastly, she stated that the TCCH clinic located in the UP center is now operating and volumes are increasing. They will also begin to have behavioral health services available on Wednesdays.
Funded Agencies Quarterly Report- Hope for Families- Diana Grossi, Executive Director
Ms. Grossi provided a historical review of the Hope for Families mission and vision. She explained that their main purpose is to provide education to their clients on becoming self-sufficient. The District currently funds the client patient navigator position and they have served 122 unduplicated clients, with the goal of getting clients established with a primary care physician as opposed to utilizing the emergency department. She explained that her team meets every week to discuss all the clients living at the center and the patient navigator reports on those clients who may need additional services. Currently there is a list of 30 families waiting to receive services. Lastly, she reviewed informational data concerning the clients served at the center.
Tykes & Teens- Andrea Greenlee, Director of School Based Services and Psychotherapist
Ms. Greenlee provided an explanation of the CLASS program that the District currently funds through Tykes & Teens, in partnership with the Indian River County School District. The project is committed to addressing the social, emotional and behavioral needs of students identified as having an emotional or behavioral disturbance, and the at-risk exceptional student education population. Currently they have served 10 patients and have conducted 40 visits in the classroom at Glendale and Citrus Elementary school. Additionally, a therapist was assigned to Pelican Island Elementary school and Osceola Magnet school starting in January, 2020, and has been providing trauma informed care training and support in two classrooms, while preparing to build a caseload of individual clients. Ms. Greenlee stated that Tykes & Teens continues to contribute to the mental health needs of the community by collaborating with the Indian River County School District, as well as the Gifford Youth Achievement Center.
Substance Awareness Center- Carrie Maynard-Lester, Executive Director
Ms. Lester explained that the District funding supports the Recovery Assistance Program which operates using the Recovery Oriented System of Care. She reviewed data concerning the Jail and Recovery Assistance Program. SAC also provides referral sources to alternative forms of treatment for its clients. She further reviewed outcome measures in abstinence, gains in recovery, employment and housing for the clients who participated in the program. Lastly, she reviewed patient testimonials of individuals who completed the program.
Public Comment- There was no public comment.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM