Final Public Budget Hearing FY-22-23
September 22, 2022
5:01 PM
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Kerry Bartlett
Karen Deigl- via Zoom Barb Bodnar
Ann Marie McCrystal
Allen Jones – via Zoom
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Frederick
Kate Voss Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
Dawn Carboni
ATTENDEES: Marie Andress Pat Knipper
Linda Kloss Elizabeth Adams
Anne Posey
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman IRCHD
Ms. Cunningham convened the final public budget hearing of the Indian River County Hospital District (“IRCHD”) at 5:01 p.m. She explained that once this meeting is adjourned, the District will convene its regular monthly meeting. Pastor Richard Demsick from Freedom Church provided an invocation and Ms. Bartlett led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Review of the September 7, 2022 Budget Information FY 2022-2023 and Approved Tentative Budget
Mr. Jones addressed the board and stated that at the September 7 first public budget hearing the Trustees adopted a proposed millage rate decrease of 20.59%, as a percentage of the rolled back rate, which provides an ad valorem tax of $11,954,636. It also resulted in a reduction of the millage rate to .5110, from the current rate of .7144, which results in a millage reduction of 28.5%. He further explained that because taxable property assessments in the county increased by approximately 11%, the District would need to adopt a millage rate of .6435, to collect the same ad valorem tax revenue as the current fiscal. However, the Trustees are proposing to reduce ad valorem tax receipts by $2,774,291 in the upcoming fiscal year.
Next, he discussed the specific purposes for which the ad valorem tax revenues are being decreased. He stated that doing more with less could summarize the District’s proposal for next year. Despite a reduction in ad valorem tax revenues of almost $2.8 million, he stated that District healthcare program expenditures will increase by $1,530,614, which is an increase of 13.5% over the current fiscal year. In addition, administrative expenses are proposed to increase by $265,800. This is directly due to inflation, which has had an impact on each of the organizations the District supports, as well as on the District administrative staff and operating expenses. However, despite these pressures, the proposed budget reduces the ad valorem tax burden on the taxpayers by 18.8% while increasing funding for healthcare services to the residents of IRC.
Adoption of FY 2022-2023 Budget Resolutions 2022-01 and 2022-02
Mr. Jones asked for a motion to adopt resolution 2022-01 which adopts a millage rate of .5110. The motion was made by Ms. Cunningham and seconded by Ms. Bodnar. Mr. Jones asked if there was further discussion from the Trustees or public comment. There was none and the motion carried unanimously. Next, Mr. Jones asked for a motion to adopt resolution 2022-02 which adopts the overall budget of $11,954,636. Ms. McCrystal made the motion which was seconded by Ms. Bartlett. Mr. Jones asked if there was further discussion from the Trustees or public comment. There was none and the motion carried unanimously.
Public Comment & Adjourn
There was no further public comment and the meeting was adjourned at 5:10 PM.