Via Zoom
April 28, 2020
10:00 AM
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Barbara Bodnar
Ann Marie McCrystal Tracey Zudans
Michael Weiss
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Frederick
Kate Voss Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
OTHER PARTICIPANTS: Lundy Fields Jeanne Shepard
Marie Andress Janet Begley
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham convened the Special Chairman’s meeting of the IRCHD Board of Trustees at 10:00 AM by welcoming those participating via Zoom. She reviewed the regulations for conducting a meeting remotely as outlined in Governor DeSantis’ Executive Order 20-69. She announced the names of the board and staff members who were participating in the meeting, for the record.
Update on COVID-19- Marybeth Cunningham
Mrs. Cunningham stated that the hospital is continuing to provide COVID-19 testing and there have only been a few new positive tests. Additionally, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis met with Dr. Barsoum and Dr. Rosecrance of CCFL for a press conference, to discuss how CCFL is assisting with the COVID-19 pandemic in the state.
Mrs. Cunningham asked representatives from VNA, Whole Family Health, and the Mental Health Association to provide a brief update concerning their agencies and the impact COVID-19 has had on operations, and any new initiatives they are working on for the community. Mr. Fields of the VNA stated that there are no VNA employees who have tested positive for COVID-19. Currently, the VNA is treating eight COVID-19 positive patients in the community and the providers have the proper PPE and safe guards in place for all home visits. The mobile unit is still located at Walmart parking lot and they continue to see around 10 patients a day. Additionally, with direction from the Department of Health, the VNA will be conducting some proactive COVID-19 testing within vulnerable populations in the county.
Dr. Coppola of MHA stated that no employees of MHA have tested positive for COVID-19. Their Walk-in Center remains open to provide mental health screenings and crisis management. Last week they hired psychologist Dr. Phil Cromer, to provide testing and psychology services. They continue to provided virtual screenings and telehealth appointments for many clients. The Drop-in center remains open but on an as-needed basis, with social distancing measures in place.
Ms. Andress of Whole Family Health stated that the center remains fully staffed and open at both locations. The pharmacy is also open and they are conducting behavioral health appointments via telehealth. Around 50% of their medical visits have been conducted by telehealth as well. They have administered 24 COVID-19 tests and three of those tests came back positive. They have started rapid testing for antibodies for their employees and verified those results through blood work. Dr. Peron, as an infectious disease doctor, believes it is important to collect this data to see who has been previously exposed to the virus, and find out if they have immunity. Lastly, they are working to be able to offer this service to groups within the community.
Executive Director Matters- Ann Marie Suriano
Mrs. Suriano is recommending that the District formally recognize Ms. Alma Lee Loy
who passed away last week, with a memorial. She was a vital member of the community and served on the Hospital District Board of Trustees for several years. She would like to construct a memorial on the hospital campus and is meeting with Dr. Turner and Mr. Depino, to find an appropriate location. The Trustees unanimously agreed with her recommendation.
She stated that District staff continues to work from home and rotates every third day in the office, and Ms. Jacko continues to process applications from home. She is recommending that she, Jenny, and Kate resume normal in office hours starting May 4th or the 11th. The office would remain closed to the public and any Trustee meetings would take place virtually. The District Trustees recommended that before the staff resume in office work, they would like to hear the Governors recommendations on reopening, which should be released today or tomorrow. A decision will be made subsequent to that report.
Ms. Suriano addressed the issue surrounding the District offices and high cost of rent associated with that. She has been looking for space around the county and has spoke with a few realtors. She will update the Trustees with her findings. Ms. Peshke stated that the District should keep in mind the amount of parking space at the new location. There needs to be adequate parking for staff, trustees, and the public for future public meetings. Ms. Cunningham asked Ms. Suriano to reach out to each Trustees individually to discuss their recommendations on office and conference space.
Program Liaison Matters- Jennifer Frederick
Mrs. Frederick provided an update concerning the FY 20-21 District funding applications. To date five applications have been received and she has forwarded the summaries and relative information to the Trustees for their review. She asked that the Trustees provide feedback concerning the applications that they received. If the Trustees have any questions, they are to submit those to Mrs. Frederick for follow up. All funding applications for FY 20-21 are due to the District by May 8th.
GHCAC Update- Tracey Zudans
Mrs. Zudans stated that she met last week with the Gifford Health Center Advisory Committee via Zoom. The District Trustees were sent the meeting minutes from that meeting for their information. The next meeting will take place on May 19th and she continues to reach out to members of the community in Gifford to be of assistance in any way. Mr. Woolfork stated that there are many rumors surrounding COVID-19 throughout the Gifford community. He suggested that a flyer be created that can be handed out at foodbanks, with correct health information relative to the virus. It was discussed that the District would work with the Health Department, United Against Poverty and TCCH to see if they have already created the same. Mrs. Zudans offered to assist in obtaining those flyers for distribution. Mrs. Frederick indicated that Ms. Knipper at the VNA has pamphlets created for the mobile unit and she is willing to contact her to obtain the same.
Other Business-
Mrs. McCrystal informed the board that improvements to the 17th Street/Alma Lee Loy bridge will begin on May 6th.
Public Comment-
Ms. Sheppard, of the Mental Health Association, shared a poem titled ‘When This is Over’ written by Laura Kelly Fanucci.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM