Special Meeting
Indian River County Hospital District
Hospital District Conference Room
January 30, 2018
1:30 PM
Marybeth Cunningham
Allen Jones
Dr. Michael Weiss
Karen Deigl
Tracey Lockwood-Zudans
Barbara Bodnar
Ann Marie McCrystal
Ann Marie Suriano
Jennifer Frederick
Kate Voss
Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
George Andreassi
Janet Begley
William Boyles, Esq.
Paul Nezi
John Kancilia, Esq
Jordan Shields
Val Zudans, M.D.
Gene Feinour
Thomas Spackman, M.D.
James Burgdorfer
Brian Barefoot
Jeff Susi
Damien Coltey
Vicki Soule
Jamie Baker
Rene Cross
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham convened the Special Meeting of the IRCHD Board of Trustees at 1:00 PM by welcoming those in attendance. She asked if there was any public comment before the presentations began. At this time, there was no public comment.
Mr. Boyles of GrayRobinson, P.A., provided a presentation concerning the powers and duties of the District Trustees. Mrs. Ramos reviewed the general standards for Trustees which is included in the IRCHD Code of Conduct and Ethics guide. She further reviewed the conflict of interest statement which stated every trustee has a duty to avoid business financial or other direct or indirect interest or relationships, which conflict with the interest of the District which divides his or her loyalty to the District. She asked the Trustees to disclose any conflicts they may have and they all stated they had none.
IRMC Partnership Suitor Discussion – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham stated that she would like each Trustee to disclose to the group their first and second choice for top suitor, along with what they liked about each organization. There was further Trustees discussion concerning this matter and each Trustee discussed their choice of suitor.
Mr. Jones, Mrs. Cunningham, Ms. Deigl, and Mrs. McCrystal all felt that Cleveland Clinic was the best suitor for IRMC and the community. Ms. Bodnar felt that Orlando Health was the best fit. Dr. Weiss chose Adventist Health System as his first choice and Mrs. Zudans selected HCA as hers.
Ms. Deigl made a motion to choose Cleveland clinic as the choice partner for IRMC. The motion was seconded by Mrs. McCrystal and there was further Trustee discussion. The motion carried 4 to 3.
Resolution No. 2018-01 – Action to Select Partner and Enter Into a Non-Binding Letter of Intent – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Peshke asked for a motion to approve resolution 2018-01(Attachment “A”), which was made by Dr. Weiss and seconded by Mr. Jones. The motion passed 6-1.
Mrs. Zudans stated that she had concerns regarding paragraph four of the resolution. She wanted to make sure that the Board would be included on future decision making and that Mrs. Cunningham would not make any decisions unilaterally. Mrs. Peshke stated that all voting matters will come before the entire board, before any final decisions are made.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM