Special Meeting- Gifford Health Center RFP Review
Indian River County Hospital District
May 8, 2019
2:00 PM
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Lenora Ritchie Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
Allen Jones Freddie Woolfork
Ann Marie Suriano
ATTENDEES: Jennifer Frederick Kate Voss
Marie Andress Janet Begley
Lundy Fields Pat Knipper
Michelle Genz Vicki Soule
Nick Coppola, M.D.
Convene Meeting – Ann Marie Suriano
Mrs. Suriano convened the meeting and welcomes those in attendance. She asked the committee which included Lenora Ritchie, Jennifer Peshke, Esq., Ann Marie Suriano, and Allen Jones, to provide brief introduction of themselves. She reviewed the mission and vision of the District. She further reviewed the evaluation tool which will be used to evaluate each proposal.
Process- Allen Jones & Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
Mr. Jones stated that initially community member Doug Sweeny was going to serve on the committee, but had a health emergency and will be unable to participate. Mr. Jones proposed that a member from the Gifford Community should be represented on the committee and felt Mr. Freddie Woolfork would be the best choice, as he is the Chair of the Gifford Health Council. The group agreed unanimously.
Mrs. Suriano opened the proposals and provided each member of the committee with a copy to review. She further reviewed the mission and principles the group would use for the basis of their selection. She stated that the goal of this process is to ensure access to care and services resulting in improve health outcomes for the community, while working in a collaborative effort. Mrs. Suriano outline the evaluation method tool and rating scale which would be used to rate each proposal. She explained that the rankings received by each organization from all five committee members shall be totaled and divided by five to produce an average ranking. The organization receiving the lowest average ranking shall be ranked the number one organization, and the process repeated until all organizations have been ranked according to their average ranking. The organization with the highest umber of points will be awarded the higher-ranking position. The committee may discuss the rankings and their reason behind them, and each member may modify their ranking of organizations until the committee is satisfied. The committee will then vote to agree on a recommendation which would then be brought to the District Board of Trustees for their consideration and approval. Mrs. Peshke indicated that any meetings the GHC review committee holds are open to the public and will be publicly noticed. Additionally, copies of the proposals are also subject to public record and will be posted on the District website for the public to review.
Mr. Jones recommended the group review and evaluate each proposal independently and meet on Monday May 13, to discuss their findings and any questions they may have. He believes the more they review the proposals, they may find. The committee will submit any questions they may have regarding the proposals to Mrs. Suriano so that she may follow up with the organizations for their response.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned