Indian River County Hospital District Conference Room/ Zoom
June 6, 2024
1:00 PM
TRUSTEES: Barbara Bodnar William Cooney
Karen Deigl Marybeth Cunningham Paul Westcott
ABSENT: Michael Kint Kerry Bartlett
STAFF: Jennifer Frederick Kate Voss
Frank Isele Dawn Carboni
Kaytlin Dickens
ZOOM: Jennifer Peshke, Esq. George Fyffe Megan McFall Autunm Schneider
Ann Marie McCrystal
ATTENDEES: Vicki Soule Shaun Leydon
Wayne Creelman Dan Bauch Kelly Williams Ceclia Stalnaker Pat Knipper Lundy Fields Liz Adams Lisa Sellers
Convene Meeting
Ms. Cunningham convened the budget request presentation meeting of the IRCHD Board of Trustees at 1:00 PM by welcoming those participating via Zoom and in person.
FY 24-25 Budget Request Presentations
TCCH – Mental Health Court – Vicki Soule, Executive Director & Shaun Leydon, Executive Director
Mr. Leydon thanked the Trustees for their support of the Mental Health Court program and stated that he has been serving as the director of the program for eight months. He explained that it has taken some time to evaluate the program and truly understand all the components with regard to its operations. He discussed the funding received from the District and stated that they have continued to be mindful of utilizing the funds strictly for salary support, to keep the program functioning. He discussed the other channels of funding which include support from the sheriff’s office, who mainly support the housing portion of the program. Ther was group discussion surrounding this and the fact that the state funding supporting the mental health court ceased. There was also discussion surrounding the additional grants funds that the organization has applied for. Ms. Soule indicated that the process is very competitive, but they are working to find additional funding sources where available. The total request for funding for FY 24-25 to the District is $711,045 and there was additional discussion surrounding the breakdown of the request. There was further Trustee discussion, and many felt that the County Commission should be supporting this program as well.
Visiting Nurse Association – Lundy Fields, Executive Director and Pat Knipper, Senior Director, Special Projects
Ms. Knipper addressed the board and introduced the other members from the VNA present for today’s presentation. She explained that that in addition to their other program requests for FY 24-25, the VNA is requesting approximately $150,000 to support a new 6-month pilot program, which they developed with the help of Dr. Peter from the Cleveland Clinic. The program, Community Based Care for Seniors, is a care coordination program for at-risk and high-risk patients with multiple comorbidities, and other vulnerable individuals. The program will utilize a group of medical professionals and a program coordinator to assess seniors who are living alone, or with someone who themselves is in poor health and not able to care for their loved one. The purpose of the program is to help these at-risk individuals get connected to the services they need after hospital discharge to avoid developing additional issues or rehospitalization. Ms. Sellers discussed the program in detail and stated that most of the patients will be identified by hospital case managers. There was Trustee discussion, and it was questioned if SRA is already providing this type of service within the county. Ms. Deigl explained that they do offer similar services, however the need is great and additional support in this area would be beneficial. There was also discussion surrounding additional funding opportunities the VNA explored before coming to the District and it was noted that they requested support from CCIRH, who declined to assist. Additionally, they had applied for an Impact 100 grant but were not awarded the funds. Ms. Knipper stated that during the pilot process they will be tracking data and outcomes, to justify the program’s effectiveness and will be provided timely updates to the Trustees for their information.
Other Business, Public Comment & Adjourn
There was no other Trustee business. Ms. Cunningham asked for public comment and there was none. The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 PM.