Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2019
Immediately following Final Budget Hearing
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Michael Weiss
Karen Deigl Tracey Zudans
Barb Bodnar
VIA PHONE: Allen Jones
EXCUSED: Ann Marie McCrystal
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
Kate Voss Jennifer Frederick
OTHER ATTENDEES: Michelle Genz Myra Weiss
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chair
Ms. Cunningham convened the regular monthly meeting of the IRCHD at 5:30 PM by welcoming those in attendance. Ms. Zudans provided the invocation for the meeting and Dr. Weiss led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda- Marybeth Cunningham, Chair
Ms. Cunningham asked for a motion of approval of the Regular Monthly meeting minutes dated August 15, and a September disbursement of $933,103.93. Ms. Zudans made a motion to approve which was seconded by Ms. Deigl. The motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Cunningham stated that the District Trustees and We Care Foundation Board held a joint meeting to discuss the sublease between TCCH and We Care, and We Care’s funding request for FY 2019-2020. The group came to an agreement concerning the sublease and are still working out the details of how the funds will be disbursed. She will provide an update once the matter has been resolved.
District Counsel Report – Jennifer D. Peshke, Esq.
Ms. Peshke stated that following the Board’s selection of TCCH to operate the Gifford Health Center, she has worked with District staff on various matters related to the transition. She also is working with Dr. Saver to complete the sublease between TCCH and We Care. She continues to receive and reviewed information regarding the District’s upcoming budget hearing meetings and have responded to questions from Trustees, as they have arisen pertaining to various matters the District is handling at this time.
Financial Statement Review – Allen Jones, Treasurer
Mr. Jones stated that the District remains in very sound financial condition. As the District approaches the end of the fiscal year, they have received most all of the tax revenues for the year. As of August 31, the bank accounts in total have a little over $6,992,000, less this month’s expenditures of $933,000, leaving a net balance of about $5 million. Assuming the District continues to spend approximately $1 million a month, the District will finish the fiscal year with about $4 million in the bank. This amount will leave the District well prepared to operate as normal during October and November, before the 2020 tax revenues begin to be received.
Further, Mr. Jones explained that in recent years, the board elected to maintain minimal reserves. In the current fiscal year, because of the potential changes involving the Cleveland Clinic transaction, the board voted to increase those reserves, to assume the transaction might not happen. However, the transaction did occur as expected and thus the result is the District’s spending is declining and will leave us with higher reserves than normal. For the upcoming fiscal year, the Trustees observe there is a substantial unmet county need for healthcare for the uninsured and under-insured and they agreed to expand the definition of those eligible for Hospital District support to 200% of the Federal Poverty Guideline an increase from 150%. In doing this, the District decided to maintain higher reserves than normal for the upcoming fiscal year, to be certain funding is sufficient for the changes that will occur. Lastly, Mr. Jones will be making a recommendation to the Trustees in the coming months, to take an appropriate portion of those reserves and invest them, consistent with fiduciary laws governing treatment of taxpayer funds.
Gifford Health Center Advisory Committee Update- Tracey Zudans, Trustee
Ms. Zudans provided an update concerning the Gifford Health Center Advisory Committee She stated that the bi-weekly meeting was held today and was very productive. Mr. Ralph Turner and Mr. Warren Fuller of Cleveland Clinic Indian River spoke to the group about the CCIR financial assistance policy. Additionally, they have finalized their choice for the community member at large position in Gifford. This person would be a resident of Gifford and or Wabasso, and work directly in the community as a liaison of information. The committee decided on two representatives, Dale Dawkins and Johnny May Perry. Additionally, LaDonna Williams has been hired by TCCH as a community health educator and she will work closely with the community representatives. Further, TCCH held the ribbon cutting for the reopening of the Gifford Health Center on Friday and there was an excellent turn out. On November 2nd there will be a resource fair at the Gifford Youth Achievement center, and many health agencies in the community will be participating. Lastly, TCCH notified the committee that the pharmacy at Gifford Health center will open on October 1st, which is earlier than anticipated.
Executive Director Report- Ann Marie Suriano, Executive Director
Ms. Suriano stated that District staff is currently working on a learning agenda relative to the strategic plan. She intends to have educational presentation on population health, and Florida Medicaid. Additionally, Ms. Suriano stated that she completed the Mental Health First Aid Clinic, which was very informative. As part of the learning agenda, the Trustees will have opportunity to also attend the Mental Health First Aid Clinic. This will take place sometime in early 2020.
Program Liaison Report- Jennifer Frederick
Ms. Frederick provided her report and stated that earlier in the year the District Trustees approved some adjustments to the financial assistant policy. One of these changes was the increase from 150% of the poverty level to 200%, which will go into effect on October 1. In an effort to keep all the providers informed regarding the policy changes, she held a meeting for them to discuss those changes and answer any questions. Additionally, she is working with Ms. Peshke on the agency funding agreements which outline the terms of funding for the fiscal year. The funding agreements and will now also include, specific metrics to be reported on.
Public Comment- There was no public comment.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM