Regular Monthly Meeting
November 15, 2018
5:00 PM
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Karen Deigl
Ann Marie McCrystal Allen Jones
Dr. Michael Weiss Tracey Zudans
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Frederick
Kate Voss Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
OTHER ATTENDEES: Miranda Hawker Michael Felix
Gerri Smith Todd Bibbens
Matt Reiser Mike Swan
Morgan Libbey Jackie Solar
Janet Begley Val Zudans
Tony Brown Julianne Price
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman IRCHD
Mrs. Cunningham convened the regular monthly meeting of the Indian River County Hospital District (“IRCHD”) at 5:00 p.m.
The Invocation was given by Reverend Richard Murphy of the Holy Cross Catholic Church and Dr. Weiss led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mrs. Cunningham asked for approval of the Chairman’s meeting minutes dated October 17; regular monthly meeting minutes dated October 18; and a November disbursement of $2,143,473.71. Dr. Weiss made a motion to approve which was seconded by Ms. Deigl. The motion carried unanimously.
District Chairwoman – Marybeth Cunningham
Mrs. Cunningham provided her Chairman’s report and stated that the Cleveland Clinic Partnership is on track and all parties are still projecting January 1, 2019 to close. Additionally, Mrs. Suriano, Mrs. Frederick and she attended the United Against Poverty Symposium which took place earlier in the month. There were excellent key speakers and many collaborative ideas for the community were discussed.
District Counsel Report – Jennifer D. Peshke, Esq.
Mrs. Peshke provided her counsel report and stated that she continues to work with special transactional counsel on the Cleveland Clinic partnership. She has also attended meetings concerning the RFI for the Gifford Health Center and continues working with Mrs. Suriano on that matter. Additionally, the agreement concerning the Return of Granted Funds for the IRMC Foundation has been finalized and will be discussed later tonight under unfinished business.
Financial Statement Review – Allen Jones, Treasurer
Mr. Jones stated that the District remains in sound financial condition and after this months’ disbursements, there will be approximately $2.2 million in the bank. Mr. Jones discussed the hospitals increased volumes for indigent care. He stated that he is working with the hospitals finance executives to come up with accurate numbers for the end of the fiscal which could include the potential for reversal of charges. This would occur if the hospital initially billed the District for services rendered but then was able to obtain an alternate payor source such as Medicaid. If an alternative payor source was utilized, the hospital would be required to pay back the District. Since volumes have been high, he recommended that the District reduce the reimbursement amount paid to IRMC by 17% for the remainder of the year. By that time, they will have calculated the correct true up amount and this will prevent the District from overpaying the Hospital. The board agreed to his recommendation.
Executive Director Report- Ann Marie Suriano, Executive Director
Mrs. Suriano stated that the Human Services building renovations will be complete in approximately 30 days. The updates and renovations have been well received and have added value to the building. Additionally, they were able to stay within budget for the project. Further, she reported that the Senior Resource Center, in connection with the Go Line, has installed bike repair stations in a few areas of the county. Mrs. Suriano explained that the District help facilitated the installation of a repair station at the Gifford Health Center, by paying for a concrete slab for the project.
IRMC, Inc. Monthly Report – Interventional Neurology and Stroke Program- Todd Bibbens, VP Operations
Mr. Bibbens provided a review of the IRMC Interventional Neurology & Stoke program. He explained that stoke is the fifth leading cause of death in Indian River County and that this program is crucial to the community. He further provided a historical review of the program and performed their first procedure on July 23, 2018. Dr. Shhaden, one of the three physicians on the Arubah Neuroscience team, provided a step by step walkthrough of a procedure for an acute stroke. He further reviewed patient data and the programs capital budget. Lastly, Dr. Shhaden explained that there are currently only 800 physicians who are accredited to perform this procedure in the nation. Three of those physicians, including himself, are now working at Indian River Medical Center and providing this state-of-the-art procedure.
Funded Agencies Quarterly Report- The Public Guardianship Program of Indian River County- Mike Swan, CEO & Morgan Libbey, Executive Director
Ms. Libbey provided a quarterly update concerning the Public Guardianship Program. She explained that in the first quarter of the fiscal year, three wards were discharged from the program due to their death. Further, two more wards have been added to the program and she provided a few examples of the types of clients who qualify for the program. Additionally, in September the state conducted their annual monitoring visit and they determined that the program is exceeding best operating practices. Lastly, she discussed their continued obstacles within the program which include appropriate and safe housing for the wards. In 2019, they will have 22 wards in the program, which is an increase from last year due to additional District funding, which allowed them to serve more clients.
Unfinished Business- Action Required
Approval of Amended Returns of Granted Funds Agreement- Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
Mrs. Peshke stated that as previously discussed, the meeting packet contains resolution 2018-06 which discusses the Return of Granted Funds Agreement, along with the amendment to the same. Mrs. Peshke also prepared a summary of the agreement and its terms for the Trustees to review. Therefore, Mrs. Peshke asked for a motion to approve resolution 2018-06 as discussed. Mrs. Deigl made the motion which was seconded by Mrs. McCrystal. The motion carried unanimously.
New Business-
Gifford Health Center- Tony Brown, President Indian River County NAACP
Mr. Brown introduced himself and stated that he is here representing the Indian River County NAACP in his official capacity as President, as well as a community member of the Gifford community. He expressed his concerns with the utilization of the zip-code data for the health needs assessment and feels that the assessment should have utilized Census Track information. He also feels there are deep deficiencies and feel that the assessment is flawed. He further stated that he has concerns regarding the District RFI and RFP process and does not want to see the Health Department replaced by another entity at the Gifford Health Center, due to their long-standing relationship with the residents. There was further Trustee discussion and they assure Mr. Brown that the District is conducting this process for the betterment of the Gifford Health Center. Mr. Jones explained that $500,000 has been set aside in the District’s budget for this process, with the main objective of expanding services at the Gifford Health Center. He reaffirmed that the District will continue to work collaboratively with the Gifford Health Council, the Health Department and all other agencies who provide services at the clinic.
Public Comment-
Mr. Woolfork, thanked the Trustees for their continued efforts to provide health services in the Gifford Community. As follow up to Mr. Browns comments, he wanted to clarify that it is the responsibility of he and Mr. Brown as community leaders to take information back to the members. There was a negative perception in the community regarding the RFI, but after listening to the Trustees comments he believes that this process should help achieve expanded services at the Gifford Health Center. Additionally, he believes that if there are open lines of communication and collaboration, they will be able to provide the highest quality of care for the residents.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.