Regular Monthly Meeting
Indian River County Commission Chambers
February 15, 2018 @ 5:00 p.m.
Marybeth Cunningham
Allen Jones
Dr. Michael Weiss
Ann Marie McCrystal
Tracey Zudans
Karen Deigl
Barbara Bodnar
Ann Marie Suriano
Jennifer Frederick
Kate Voss
Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
Rose Parker
Angela Dickens
Mayur Rao
Gerri Smith
Matt Reiser
Vicki Soule
Michelle Genz
Myra Weiss
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Vice Chairwoman IRCHD
Mrs. Cunningham convened the regular monthly meeting of the Indian River County Hospital District (“IRCHD”) at 5:00 p.m.
Consent Agenda – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham asked for a motion to approve the special minutes dated January 17; regular monthly meeting minutes dated January 18; special meeting minutes dated January 30; and a February disbursement of $1,789,645.98. Mrs. Cunningham stated that there was a slight change to the minutes where Mrs. Zudans asked that her name be included concerning a vote that took place during the January 30 special meeting. Mrs. McCrystal made a motion to approve the meeting minutes and disbursement which was seconded by Dr. Weiss. The motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Cunningham stated that on March 5, members from the District and IRMC Board of Directors will conduct a due diligence visit to the Cleveland Clinic Weston campus for a presentation and tour of the facility.
District Counsel Report, Jennifer Peshke, Esq.-
Mrs. Peshke stated that she continues to work with the District retained special transaction counsel, GrayRobinson regarding the IRMC partnership process. Additionally, she attended the recent Partner’s Collaborative quarterly meeting following presentation which was given at the last monthly meeting. Further, she has worked with the Board Chairwoman and Executive Director to interview valuation firms for the District to work with, as they move through this process towards a definitive agreement with the Cleveland Clinic.
Financial Statement Review- Allen Jones, Treasurer
Mr. Jones provided the District financial report and stated that the District has received tax revenues totaling $11.8 million. They expect to receive another $1.8 million by the end of the fiscal year. Year to date the District’s bank balance totaled $12.9 million. He explained that the program funding remains on track with budget and it is anticipated to require a little less than $8 million between now and the fiscal year end. In addition, normal administrative expenses are budgeted to require a little over $600,000 between the year end and spending concerning the IRMC Partnership process is expected to require another $750,000. Additionally, expenditures for the improvements to the Human Services building are expected to total approximately $230,000. Mr. Jones explained that adding these expenses together, he projects the District to expend an additional $9.8 million by the fiscal year end which the District accounts hold enough to cover these expenses, while maintaining the required reserves.
Executive Director Report- Ann Marie Suriano
Mrs. Suriano stated that the District board self-evaluations were sent to the Trustees this week. She asked the Trustees to complete the document and return to the same to the office so that she may review the responses. Additionally, she stated that proposed legislation regarding the amendment to the Florida Constitution, which would require a vote on the county ballot for reconfirmation of taxing authority for special districts, removed from consideration. She stated that it would be considered at a later date and not during this legislative session.
IRMC, Inc. Monthly Report
• RSM Auditors- Presentation of FY 16-17 Audit
Mr. Dan Vandenberghe, Partner at RSM Auditors, provided a review of the IRMC Audit for FY 16-17. He explained that there were no significant or unusual transaction and the Audit was clean. Additionally, there were no significant issues discussed with management other than following up on prior year control deficiencies, which were remedied. A copy of the IRMC Audit may be requested from the District offices.
• Quarterly Financial Update- George Eighmy, CFO
Mr. Eighmy provided the IRMC quarterly financial update for the first three months of the fiscal year. The hospital produced $560,000 in revenue over expenses, which is approximately $2 million better than budget and $4.6 million better than last fiscal year. He stated that part of the increase is due to higher patient volumes. He reviewed the current year volumes to last fiscal year in detail. He further reviewed data concerning the hospital full time employees (“FTE’s”), which showed an increase over last year in FTE’s. Additionally, he discussed data concerning personnel costs and supplies, which had also increased from last fiscal year. He explained that with increasing volume comes increased supply cost but that IRMC is working to reduce those costs. Lastly he discussed the recent contract that they entered into for emergency management services. In utilizing this company, they are projecting to cut the cost in half for the emergency department.
Funded Agencies Quarterly Report- Mental Health Association- Robert Brugnoil, Ph.D., CEO
Dr. Brugnoli provided a quarterly update concerning the Mental Health Association. He reviewed data concerning un-duplicated clients served, mental health screenings, and assessments. He further reviewed clinical outcomes measures for the walk-in center, which provides immediate screenings to clients seeking mental health assistance. He further reviewed the financial data and cash position of MHA. Lastly, Dr. Brugnoli stated that MHA was presented with the United Way Agency Excellence award in October, 2017. This award is presented annually to an agency which achieves excellence in achieving measurable results which have made an impact on the community through its reach and vision.
New Business-
Mrs. McCrystal stated that the We Care task force group met on February 4 to discuss the program and current patient back log. She will provide an update to the Trustees when more information becomes available.
Public Comment- There was no public comment.
Adjournment- The meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM