Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
August 16, 2018
5:00 PM
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Karen Deigl
Ann Marie McCrystal Tracey Zudans
Michael Weiss
EXCUSED: Allen Jones Barbara Bodnar
STAFF : Jennifer Frederick Kate Voss
Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
OTHER ATTENDESS: James Large Lundy Fields
Deb Hawkins Michelle Genz
Val Zudans Dan Bach
Miranda Hawker Ann Posey
Richard Van Lith Vicki Soule
George Eighmy Angela Dickens
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman IRCHD
Mrs. Cunningham convened the regular monthly meeting of the IRCHD at 5:00 PM by welcoming those in attendance.
Senior Pastor Jeremy Rebman, of the First Methodist Church of Vero Beach, provided the invocation for the meeting.
Consent Agenda- Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman IRCHD
Mrs. Cunningham asked for approval of the budget discussion meeting minutes dated July 11; chairman’s meeting minutes dated July 25; regular monthly meeting minutes dated July 25; and an August disbursement of $1,102,685.09. Mrs. Deigl made the motion which was seconded by Mrs. McCrystal. The motion carried.
Mrs. Cunningham stated that last month the Trustees heard from IRMC with a request to implement a co-pay at the hospital’s emergency department for non-emergent visits by indigent patients. She explained that there are two components to this request. The first is the question of whether the District is legally able to implement a charge for services to the indigent, which was raised by Mrs. Zudans. District counsel researched the matter and prepared a memorandum addressing the same. Mrs. Peshke wrote in her memorandum that the Special Act, which governs the District, states that implementing a charge for medical services for indigent is at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. Additionally, the second component was whether the hospital requests was a matter the District had authority over. Through a request by Mrs. Zudans, the board sought a second opinion from District outside counsel at GrayRobinson. Mrs. Ramos of GrayRobinson prepared a memorandum on the matter and stated that she believed this matter was not under the District purview and was a hospital operations issue. Therefore, the District Board has no authority over the matter.
Mrs. Cunningham provided an update concerning the Cleveland Clinic Partnership with IRMC. She indicated that the process continues to move forward and they have set a date to hold a joint meeting with the IRMC Board of Directors. This meeting will take place on September 25 at 1:00 PM, at the Richardson Center. At a later date, the District Trustees will have a follow up meeting where they will have board discussion and subsequently vote on a definitive agreement.
District Counsel Report- Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
Mrs. Peshke provided her monthly counsel report and stated that she continues to work with District special counsel on the Cleveland Clinic Partnership. Additionally, she is participating in discussions concerning the District fiscal year 2018-2019 budget with the District staff and Board of Trustees.
Executive Director Report- Ann Marie Suriano
Mrs. Suriano provided her Executive Director report and stated that she is working with Mr. Jones to prepare the RFP for the operation of the Gifford Health Center. She indicated that she would be providing a draft of the RFP to the Trustees for their review and input. Additionally, she has set a kick off meeting with Michael Felix to begin work on the District Strategic Plan.
IRMC Monthly Report- Richard Van Lith- Patient Room Renovation Update
Mr. Van Lith provided an update concerning the hospital’s renovations to the patient rooms at IRMC. He explained that before January 1, 2018 they have renovated 40 patient rooms. They began phase two of the project on May 21st and it has taken around three weeks to complete each room. By September 30, they hope to have the east tower of the hospital completed. Lastly, he provided photos of the updated rooms so that the Trustees may see the improvements.
Funded Agency Quarterly Report- Indian River County Health Department- Miranda Hawker, Health Administrator
Mrs. Hawker provided a quarterly update concerning the Health Department and its operations. She reviewed the social determinants of health with the Trustees and explained that this continues to be a focal point of the Health Department. She further reviewed data and outcomes concerning the Gifford Health Center, We Care, and the dental program.
New Business- Action Required
Mrs. Zudans read proposed Resolution 2018-02 and asked for comment from the Trustees. Mrs. Cunningham offered a suggested amendment to paragraph seven. The board agreed to Mrs. Cunningham’s recommendations. Mrs. Cunningham asked for public comment. Dr. Zudans, member of the public, thanked the Trustees for their support of this Resolution. He stated that the sale of City of Vero Beach Utilities to FPL would reduce utility costs to the county by approximately $23 million. Mrs. Deigl made a motion to approve Resolution 2018-02 as amended by Mrs. Cunningham, which was seconded by Mrs. McCrystal. (proposed and amended resolution attached)
Public Comment- There was no additional public comment.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM