Regular Monthly Meeting
Zoom Meeting
May 21, 2020 @ 4:00 p.m.
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Allen Jones
Barbara Bodnar Tracey Zudans
Karen Deigl Dr. Michael Weiss
EXCUSED: Ann Marie McCrystal
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
Kate Voss
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham convened the regular monthly meeting of the Indian River County Hospital District (“IRCHD”) at 4:00 p.m. She reviewed the regulations for conducting a meeting remotely as outlined in Governor DeSantis’ Executive Order 20-69. Ms. Cunningham asked for those who intend to speak during the meeting, to identify themselves before speaking if they wish. Ms. Cunningham provided the invocation and thanked all the care givers in the county, who have worked to keep us safe.
Consent Agenda-
Mrs. Cunningham asked for approval of theSpecial Meeting Minutes dated April 7; Chairman’s Meeting Minutes dated April 14, 28; Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes dated April 16, and a May disbursement of $1,047,136.15. Dr. Weiss made the motion, which was seconded by Ms. Bodnar. The motion carried unanimously.
Chairman’s Report- Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Ms. Cunningham stated that she attended the CCIRH board meeting today and the hospitals volumes have increased to almost normal, and they are now providing specialty services again. The 5 East wing at the hospital is still being kept as COVID-19 ward for those patients with the virus. Lastly, Dr. Stowe is scheduled to retire at the end of the month.
District Counsel Report – Jennifer D. Peshke, Esq.
Mrs. Peshke provided her report and stated that the Governors executive order which exempts the District from meeting with a physical quorum present, was extended until July 7th. Therefore, the District may continue to hold its meeting virtually as they have done for the last few months. She will continue to track any new changes to the order and update the board on the same. Additionally, she has reviewed the funding request summaries for fiscal year 20-21 and will be prepared to discuss the same at the budget discussion meeting in June.
Mrs. Cunningham asked that the board approve the continuation of the District meetings via zoom pursuant to the executive order. The board agreed unanimously.
Financial Statement Review – Allen Jones, Treasurer
Mrs. Suriano provided the financial statement review on behalf of Mr. Jones. She stated that District is ahead of budget and expenses for the month are slightly down. The Mental Health Association took advantage of the District offer to reimburse any funded agency with an average of their last 6 months of expenses. This is to help ease any losses incurred from COVID-19. It was discussed that any economic fallout from COVID-19, may not be felt until later this year in the fall. The Trustees agreed that they need to be prepared and be able to support the funded agencies, should the need arise.
Executive Director Report- Ann Marie Suriano
Mrs. Suriano stated that she met with the hospital concerning the memorial area for Alma Lee Loy. She discussed the design of the benches with the Trustees and agreed that they should be weather resistant and accessible for those who may have handicaps. She will continue to work with the hospital on this matter and update the Trustees. Additionally, she has conducted some research regarding the Districts need for new office space and saw a few properties in town. She will prepare a listing of needs, along with an outline of the properties she has seen, for the Trustees to review. She is still waiting to hear back from the county regarding any available space at either county building for the District to lease. Mr. Jones suggested that they look into possibly building onto the Gifford Health Center, to house the District offices, or take over the We Care Clinic space. He recommended that the We Care clinic be housed within the main Health Department offices. Ms. Cunningham stated that the District needs to look at all options concerning the office space. The Districts current lease is up at the end of November, 2021, so there will need to be a plan in place at least 6 months prior to that time.
Program Liaison Report- Jennifer Frederick
Mrs. Frederick stated that she provided the Trustees with the fiscal year 2020-2021 funding request summaries. She is still waiting for the numbers relative to the Partners in Women’s Health program and the County Share of Medicaid. She also provided two spread sheets, one of which compares the funding request to the current fiscal year budget. She also prepared a sheet that outlines each funded agencies District funding request as a percentage of their total budget. She advised the TCCH has indicated that they may submit a revised funding request depending on the impact from COVID-19. She informed the trustees that any follow up questions directed at the funded agencies are due to she or Ann Maire by May 29th. On June 17th, the District will hold its first budget discussion meeting. Lastly, she indicated that they have provided 3 months of temporary assistance to 15 TCCH patients who have lost their income and/or insurance due to COVID-19.
Public Comment-
Ms. Soule indicated that TCCH is looking at bids for the cost of building a pharmacy at the Gifford Health Center. Many patients expressed their interest in having a pharmacy at the clinic. She will update the Trustees with more information when it becomes available.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 4:36 PM