Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
February 21, 2019
5:00 PM
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Karen Deigl
Ann Marie McCrystal Barbara Bodnar
Michael Weiss
EXCUSED: Tracey Zudans
STAFF: Jennifer Frederick Kate Voss
Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
OTHER ATTENDEES: Aracely Ramirez Eliecer Romero
Dan Bach Kip Jacoby
Nick Coppola Miranda Hawker
Andrea Berry Jeanne Shepherd
Michelle Genz Myra Weiss
Michael Felix Marie Andress
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman IRCHD
Mrs. Cunningham convened the regular monthly meeting of the IRCHD at 5:00 PM by welcoming those in attendance. Pastor Romero provided the invocation for the meeting and Dr. Weiss led the group in the pledge of allegiance.
Consent Agenda- Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman IRCHD
Mrs. Cunningham asked for a motion to approve the of special meeting minutes dated January 9, chairman’s meeting minutes dated January 16, and regular monthly meeting minutes dated January 17, and a February disbursement of $1,115,481.32.
Financial Statement Review – Allen Jones, Treasurer
Mr. Jones provided his treasurers report and stated that the District has received approximately $11 million in tax revenues and is in sound financial condition. Additionally, he indicated that the Auditors have recommended some changes to the way the District processes their monthly disbursements. He will discuss these matters in greater detail with the board next month.
Executive Director Report- Ann Marie Suriano
Mrs. Suriano stated that the Gifford Health Center RFP process is underway and the Trustees will receive a copy of the document for their input. A public meeting to discuss the same and obtain feedback on the RFP will take place at the District offices on February 27 at 1:30 PM.
Funded Agency Quarterly Report- Nicholas Coppola, M.D., CEO; Angela Guzenski, COO; and Jeanne Shepard, Clinical Director
Dr. Coppola provided a quarterly report on the MHA for the months of October through December, 2018. He reviewed data relative to clinic outcomes measures and the walk-in/ counseling center client satisfaction scores. Dr. Coppola further reviewed the financial data for the first quarter and stated that MHA is running a net loss of $35,000. The loss is about $23,000 less than budgeted due to vacant positions. He explained that about one-half of the loss was anticipated based on the donation cycle for October through December. Additionally, their annual fund and special events income will be reflected in the next quarter cycle. Dr. Coppola stated that through the transition at Gifford Health Center, the MHA will continue to support child behavioral health and work collaboratively with the agencies in the transition.
The Trustees asked for an update concerning the Violence Prevention program which the District allocated $75,000 in funding this fiscal year. Dr. Coppola explained that he has signed the contract with the school district and the program is slated to begin next semester. The Trustees question this start up date, as they believed the program was already in place and being administered to the 9th grade students. Dr. Coppola indicated that there were some delays caused by the school board but they have now executed the contract and are moving forward. The Trustees asked for continued updates concerning this matter and Dr. Coppola stated that he would be in communication with Mrs. Suriano.
New Business- Action Required
Mr. Jacoby provided a review of the Districts FY 2017-2018, which he explained was a clean and unedited Audit, the high level you can obtain. He reviewed the major initiatives that the District conducted throughout the year and explained that the District’s net position decreased due to the expenditures associated with the Cleveland Clinic transaction. He further reviewed the management letter in detail, which was prepared by Mrs. Suriano and Mr. Jones. Mrs. Cunningham asked for a motion to approve the FY 2017-2018 District Audit. Mrs. Deigl made a motion, which was seconded by Dr. Weiss. The motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Frederick reviewed the 2019 Federal Poverty Guidelines and asked for a motion to approve the same. Mrs. Deigl made the motion to approve which was seconded by Mr. Jones. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Jones state that the board continues to work on reviewing what the increasing the guidelines. The Trustees agreed that they will need to add this as an agenda item for next months meeting to vote.
Other Business-
Mr. Felix provided a review of the District’s strategic plan for 2019-2021. He stated that the purpose of this two-year plan is to place attention on two areas that will support efforts to improve the District’s responsibility towards assuring Indian River County residents have access to quality and equitable health services. He explained that the planning process is focused on engaging community partners and community resources along with data from Community Health Needs Assessment. Additionally, they will look to improve board governance by implementing a learning agenda that will focus on best health practices for improving health conditions in the community. The board will also continue their attention on continuous health improvement by ensuring that best health metrics are in place for monitoring and evaluating current and future funded services and programs. The board also plans to developed an annual report to keep the community informed on all District funded actives. Lastly, he reviewed the District’s updated mission and vision statements. Mrs. Cunningham made the motion to approve the strategic plan for 2019-2021, which was seconded by Mrs. McCrystal. The motion carried unanimously.
Public Comment- There was no public comment.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM