Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2019 at 5:00 PM
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Allen Jones
Ann Marie McCrystal Tracey Zudans
ABSENT: Michael Weiss Karen Deigl
Barb Bodnar
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
Kate Voss Jennifer Frederick
OTHER ATTENDEES: Kristen Crocker Andrea Berry
Elisabeth Bublitz Lundy Fields
Pat Knipper Cheryl Martinez
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chair
Ms. Cunningham convened the regular monthly meeting of the IRCHD at 5:00 PM by welcoming those in attendance. Ms. Zudans provided the invocation and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda- Marybeth Cunningham, Chair
Ms. Cunningham asked for a motion to approve the, Chairman’s meeting minutes dated November 20, regular monthly meeting minutes dated November 21, and a monthly disbursement of $1,107,494.81. Ms. McCrystal made the motion to approve, which was seconded by Ms. Zudans. The motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Cunningham stated that as the year comes to a close, the District had a successful and productive year. Cleveland Clinic completed its first year since the transition and the Gifford Health Center also had a successful transition under the leadership of TCCH.
District Counsel Report – Jennifer D. Peshke, Esq.
Ms. Peshke stated that following the approval to move forward with the process of investing the District’s surplus funds, she has reviewed all related documents associated with Water Walker, the proposed company Mr. Jones and Ms. Suriano recommended. Additionally, she met with the board to complete the District’s annual compensation committee meeting regarding the District staff.
Financial Statement Review – Allen Jones, Treasurer
Mr. Jones provided the financial statement review and stated that the District accounts hold a little less than $8.5 million and have begun to receive tax revenues from the property tax proceeds. On November 27, the District transferred $5 million into the investment account with Water Walker and within a few days, it accrued approximately $900. He explained that the local Seacoast bank account will maintain a balance of $1-2 million for District office operating expenses. Additionally, it was brought to the attention of Mr. Jones that Water Walker has now merged with a national investment firm and he and Ms. Suriano are reviewing the terms of this agreement, to verify they maintain compliance with state funds investing regulations.
Executive Director- Ann Marie Suriano
Ms. Suriano stated that Ms. Frederick has been accepted to the Indian River County Leadership program and will begin this opportunity in January. Additionally, she stated that the Mental Health First Aid class being offered to the Trustees, will take place on February 7th, and she has invited some of the District funded agencies to participate in this class as well.
Funded Agencies Quarterly Report-
Healthy Start Coalition- Elisabeth Bublitz
Ms. Bublitz introduced the Healthy Start staff members present for today’s presentation and provided a review of Healthy Start’s mission and vision statement. She announced that the infant mortality rate for Indian River County is at zero, for the first time in 20 years. She further discussed Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women (“PEPW”) which allows pregnant women to receive temporary Medicaid coverage for prenatal care for up to 45 days. They are working with Cleveland Clinic to form additional partnerships for support of the same. She also discussed data relative to fetal and infant mortality for the county. Additionally, Ms. Crocker and Ms. Martinez provided an update concerning the Nurse Home Visitation and Nurse Family Partnership programs, respectively. Lastly, Ms. Berry asked if a District Trustee would be willing to serve on the FIMR Healthy Start Community Action Committee, now being formed. She stated she would contact Ms. Suriano to provide her with more information.
VNA- Pat Knipper, Director, Strategic Alliances and Special Projects
Mr. Fields informed the Trustees that Ms. Knipper has been appointed as the VNA’s Director of Strategic Alliances and Special Projects. Her work over the past year has been unparalleled and her compassion for the community is shown through her continued efforts to work collaboratively with other agencies in Indian River county. Ms. Knipper provided her report by reviewing data concerning the VNA’s areas of service that the District funds. She stated that there has been a 17% decrease in District qualified Home Health visits from 2018 and contributed this decrease to VNA finding additional funding sources for this service area. She further reviewed data concerning the Vulnerable Village initiative and mobile unit. She informed the Trustees that the VNA has hired a part time employee with a Ph.D., to help assist her with data collection and interviews on the mobile unit. The funding of this position was made possible through a donor grant and will help better assist patients on the unit. Lastly, she stated that they have been working collaboratively with Whole Family Health center and have enrolled two of their patients into the positive change program. She explained that the positive change program continues to show success and has assisted many participants in reaching their health and lifestyle goals.
Public Comment- There was no public comment.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM