December 17, 2020 at 4:00 PM
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Allen Jones
Ann Marie McCrystal Karen Deigl
VIA ZOOM: Michael Weiss Tracey Zudans
Barb Bodnar
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
Kate Voss Jennifer Frederick
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chair
Ms. Cunningham convened the regular monthly meeting of the IRCHD at 4:00 PM by welcoming those in attendance. Mrs. Cunningham provided the invocation led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mrs. Cunningham indicated that tonight’s meeting is being televised of Comcast Chanel 27 and Zoom. She asked that public comment from those participating on Zoom, be made in writing in the comment section.
Consent Agenda- Marybeth Cunningham, Chair
Ms. Cunningham asked for a motion to approve the, Chairman’s meeting minutes dated November 18, regular monthly meeting minutes dated November 19, and a monthly disbursement of $1,112,647.09. Mrs. McCrystal made the motion to approve, which was seconded by Ms. Deigl. The motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Cunningham reminded the public of the importance of receiving your flu vaccine, specifically with the current situation of COVID-19.
District Counsel Report – Jennifer D. Peshke, Esq.
Mrs. Peshke stated that the District accomplished many things this month, that have been working towards completion, such as the right of way transaction with the county. The District also completed the Amended and Restated Lease Agreement with the VNA. Mrs. Peshke is working to renew the Trustee bonds for the upcoming year as well. Next month the District will elect board officers for the year 2021.
Financial Statement Review – Allen Jones, Treasurer
Mr. Jones provided the financial statement review and stated that the District is in sound financial condition. Through November 30th, the District received approximately $5 million in tax revenues, which resulted in total deposits of $8.4 million. This number is inclusive of funds carried over from last fiscal year. In December, the District received an additional $4 million is tax revenues. In total for the current fiscal year, the District has received around 70% of its projected tax revenues. Currently in the District’s Water Walker investment account, there is around $12 million in funds.
Executive Director- Ann Marie Suriano
Ms. Suriano stated she provided the Trustees with a written report but added that the District in December, has now received $7 million dollars in tax revenue for a total of approximately $12 million year to date. She also transferred an additional $2 million into the Water Walker investment account.
Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital Semi Annual Update- Gregory Rosencrance, M.D., President CCIRH
Dr. Rosencrance addressed the board and thanked them, along with the community for their support over the past year. He introduced the CCIRH executive team who accompanied him at today’s meeting. Dr. Rosencrance provided an update and discussed many topics including the scope of services offered at CCIRH; annual quality goals and benchmark achievement rates; indigent care data; capital spending; and COVID-19 response efforts. There was further discussion surrounding the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Rosencrance explained that the hospital is prepared to receive the vaccine and has adequate storage facilities for the same. The initial recipients are to be healthcare workers and high-risk individuals. He believes within the next few months; the vaccine will be available to the general public. He asked for patience from the community during the initial roll out process. CCIRH plans to provide updates to the community as much as possible on the same. A complete recording of his presentation is available to the public through the District offices, and on its website.
Funded Agencies Quarterly Report–
Healthy Start Coalition- Andrea Berry, Executive Director
Mrs. Berry provided a brief history of the Healthy Start program and the services offered in Indian River county. Her report covered data concerning infant births and deaths over the last three years, along with fetal deaths which occur later in pregnancy at 20 weeks of gestation or more. She further reviewed data from the Florida Health Chart Indicators for Indian River county against the averages for the State of Florida. She also reviewed the Healthy Start care coordination executive summary report for the period of October, 2019-September, 2020. There was also discussion surrounding Healthy Start and their COVID-19 response. Lastly, she provided an update concerning the Nurse Family Partnership and Nurse Family Visitation programs, for which the District provides funding. Mrs. Berry indicated that the fetal and infant mortality review final report will be available in the upcoming months and she will share the results with the Trustees.
Whole Family Health Center- Marie Andress, CEO
Ms. Andress provided the Trustees with an update of Whole Family Health center for the months April, 2020 through September, 2020. She reviewed data concerning District qualified patient visits and utilized funding for behavioral and medical health services. She further reviewed the program quality measures and outcomes for the fiscal year and explained that the clinical outcomes have been adversely affected by COVID-19. Whole Family converted in-clinic visits to primarily telehealth and provided mostly preventative care services. She explained that in recognizing the limitations of telehealth visits, the center obtained additional funding to supply the highest risk patients with medical supplies and other home health equipment. The center also provided dive up rapid COVID-19 testing; COVID clinical research trials; free local pharmacy deliveries; and chronic care management. Lastly, she discussed the centers future and stated that their board is preparing its next three-year strategic plan. They also continue to recruit additional medical and behavioral health provider for their Vero Beach and Fort Pierce centers. Most recently they renovated both clinical sites to accommodate additional access to care.
Public Comment- There was no public comment.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM