Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes
April 25, 2019
5:00 PM
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Tracey Zudans
Ann Marie McCrystal Barbara Bodnar
Michael Weiss Allen Jones
ABSENT: Karen Deigl
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
Jennifer Frederick Kate Voss
OTHER ATTENDEES: Brett Hall Vicki Soule
James Large, M.D. Marie Andress
William Cooney, M.D. Val Zudans, M.D.
Michelle Genz Myra Weiss
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman IRCHD
Mrs. Cunningham convened the regular monthly meeting of the IRCHD at 5:00 PM by welcoming those in attendance. Mrs. Zudans provided the invocation for the meeting and Dr. Weiss led the group in the pledge of allegiance.
Consent Agenda- Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman IRCHD
Mrs. Cunningham asked for a motion for approval of the chairman’s meeting minutes dated March 20; regular monthly meeting minutes dated March 21; special meeting minutes dated March 26; and an April disbursement of $1,125,799.28. Mrs. McCrystal made the motion which was seconded by Mrs. Bodnar. The motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Cunningham stated that May will be a busy month for the District as they begin the budget cycle for fiscal year 2019-2020. Additionally, the deadline to submit a response to the Gifford Health Center RFP is May 3 and the review of the same will take place on May 8 at a public meeting.
District Counsel Report – Jennifer D. Peshke, Esq.
Mrs. Peshke indicated that she is preparing an outline of the Roberts Rules of Order to review with the Board and she will provide a presentation on the same in the coming months. She continues to work with District staff on the Gifford Health Center RFP and will serve on the review committee to review the proposals.
Financial Statement Review – Allen Jones, Treasurer
Mr. Jones provided his treasurers report and stated that the District remains in sound financial condition with approximately $9 million in the bank. The District anticipates to receive an additional $1.2 million in tax revenues by the end of the fiscal year. Additionally, he explained that the District board has approved transition of accounting services from Special District Services, to a local CPA. This transition will be a cost savings to the District and provide a timelier financial process for the office.
Executive Director Report- Ann Marie Suriano, Executive Director
Mrs. Suriano stated that the Junior League of Indian River County held their annual Woman of the Year luncheon, which recognizes woman in the county who have provided significant contributions to the community. She explained that Mrs. Cunningham was nominated in the volunteer category and had much support from her colleagues and friends. Although she did not win the award, the board recognized her achievements over the last year and thanked her for her efforts.
Additionally, the Florida Legislative session continues and she has been tracking the Senate and House bills which are relative to the District. She will provide an update to the board next month, once the session has ended.
Funded Agency Quarterly Report- McCabe Connections Center- Brett Hall, Executive Director
Mr. Hall stated that the Center continues to flourish and discussed some new initiatives that they are working on. Currently they are conducting physicians networking in hopes to recruit new physicians who would provide mental health services to the area. The Center has now become certified to provide Continuing Medical Education courses which are required for medical professionals. This will be used as an incentive to recruit doctors by offering them these courses. He further stated that May is Mental Health Awareness month, nationally and the center will be hosting a few special events. Lastly, he reviewed patient volume and satisfaction survey data, which also showed the demographics of the persons being served at the center.
Treasure Coast Community Health, Inc.- Vicki Soule, CEO
Mrs. Soule provided a brief review of the mission and vision on TCCH. She discussed the new Adult only clinic which is located on 37th street, down the street from the hospital. She further reviewed TCCH’s program expansion and they now offer substance use disorder treatment; accountable care organization; care management services. Additionally, TCCH has partnered with the local Veterans Council to assist in getting Veterans medial and behavioral health services. TCCH continues to be recognized as a fully accredited Patient Centered Medical Home and as a Patient Centered Dental Home. Further, Mrs. Soule reviewed financial and patient satisfaction survey data for the last quarter. Lastly, Mrs. Soule discussed her challenges with Medicaid and the time is takes to credential doctors at their various locations. Currently, is may take anywhere from 6-12 months for the credentialing to go through, which results in a loss of billing during that time. This results in negative financial impact on TCCH. Dr. Zudans recommended that Ms. Soule contact Congressman Bill Posey who has assisted him in the past with this matter.
New Business-
Mrs. Cunningham stated that The county wide needs assessment conducted by the Community Foundation and the United Way, has begun. The information collected from this report will be very useful in providing an accurate picture of the health of the county.
Public Comment- There was no public comment.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM