Final Public Budget Hearing FY 24-25
September 19, 2024
5:01 PM
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Kerry Bartlett
Karen Deigl Barb Bodnar
Paul Westcott Michael Kint
William Cooney
STAFF: Frank Isele Jennifer Frederick
Kate Voss Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
Kaytlin Dickens Dawn Carboni
ATTENDEES: Susan Chenault Vicki Soule Chuck Mackett Reene Bierly
Liz Bruner Chris Deigl Erene Anderson Jan Donlan John Donlan Robyn Orzel Wayne Creelman
ZOOM: Marie Andress Anne Posey Pat Knipper Megan McFall Lisa Zahner
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Ms. Cunningham convened the final public budget hearing of the Indian River County Hospital District (“IRCHD”) at 5:01 p.m. She explained that once the budget hearing is adjourned, the District will convene its regular monthly meeting. Ms. Bodnar provided the invocation and Dr. Cooney led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Review of the September 5, 2024, Budget Information FY 2024-2025, and Approved Tentative Budget
Mr. Kint stated that On September 5 the Trustees tentatively approved a proposed budget for fiscal year 2024-2025, with a millage rate of .7650. The .7650 millage rate represents a millage rate increase of 61.39% as a percentage of the rolled back rate and will provide the District with ad valorem tax revenue of $22,445,137. This is an increase in ad valorem tax revenue of $8,871,832 over last year.
He then discussed the specific purposed for which the ad valorem tax revenues were being increased. He stated that the District plays a critical role in improving and enhancing community health by providing funding to support care to vulnerable populations which include low-income families and the elderly. Investing in primary and preventative care is a proactive approach that can reduce the need for more expensive emergency care in the future. He further explained that the county is experiencing significant population growth, which directly affects the demand for healthcare services. This coupled with increasing costs of healthcare, including the cost of medical supplies, staff, and facilities. Therefore, this proposed budget is necessary to keep pace with these rising costs and to maintain the quality of care that all of our residents expect and deserve. He provided further examples of the increased cost which has required a surge in District financial support, including an increase of $2.6 million in program expenses. However, the District received over $20.5 million in funding requests and was able to reduce those requests by $1.6 million. Additionally, over the past two years the District has spent approximately $4 million from its reserves.
Next, Mr. Kint then stated that if there were no additional Trustee comments or changes, he would ask for public comment. Ms. Susan Chenault of Vero Beach addressed the board and discussed her work on the District’s Finance and Audit committee. Through her time on the committee, she has been amazed by the support the District provides to the community and is thankful to have this special taxing authority in place. She further stated that she is in support of this tax increase as she understands the value these funds bring to those agencies providing much needed healthcare services to the residents of Indian River County.
Ms. Vicki Soule, CEO of Treasure Coast Community Health addressed the board and thanked the Trustees for their continued support of her organization. She stated that without the District’s support, they would be unable to serve as many patients as they do each year and provide the healthcare services to the community on the scale they currently operate.
Adoption of FY 2024-2025 Budget Resolutions 2024-03 and 2024-04
Mr. Kint stated that the next step in this process was to adopt Resolution 2024-03, which adopts the millage rate of .7650. Ms. Bartlett made the motion which was seconded by Ms. Bodnar. There was no Trustee or public comment, and the motion carried unanimously.
Next, Mr. Kint asked for a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-04, which adopts an overall budget of $22,445,137. The motion was made by Ms. Bodnar and seconded by Dr. Cooney. There was no Trustee or public comment, and the motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Cunningham addressed the board and thanked the Trustees, specifically Mr. Kint, for their diligent efforts this budget cycle. She highlighted the comments made earlier by Mr. Kint stating that the need for healthcare services is growing and the District is working to address and support that growth. Dr. Cooney echoed her comments and thanked the Trustee for believing in this budget and the Districts mission.
Public Comment & Adjourn- There was no further Trustee or public comment. Mr. Kint announced publicly that the millage rate, as a percentage of the rolled back rate is 61.39%. The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 PM.