Indian River County Hospital District

Regular Monthly Meeting- June 15, 2023

County Commissioner Chambers/ Zoom
June 15, 2023 @ 4:00 PM

TRUSTEES: Paul Westcott Michael Kint
Marybeth Cunningham Kerry Bartlett
Barb Bodnar Karen Deigl
William Cooney, M.D.

STAFF: Kate Voss Jennifer Frederick
Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Peshke, Esq. (zoom)
Sebastian De Maio

ZOOM: Anne Posey

ATTENDEES: Vicki Soule Marie Andress
Lundy Fields Pat Knipper
Tara Beard Tracey Griffis
Shannon Bowman Jackie Keville
Elizabeth Adams Bill Stengle
William Stewart Carol Kanerak
David Solvin Bruce Curran

Convene Meeting, Invocation, Pledge & Consent Agenda– Marybeth Cunningham, Chair

Ms. Cunningham convened the regular monthly meeting of the IRCHD at 4:00 PM. Reverend Dr. Anna V. Copeland of the Community Church of Vero Beach provided the invocation and Ms. Bartlett led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Ms. Cunningham asked for a motion to approve the May meeting minutes and a June disbursement of $898,770.09 Mr. Kint made the motion to approve which was seconded by Ms. Bartlett. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Cunningham stated that there is an addition to the agenda under new business, which will be the approval of the recommendation from Ms. Suriano to hire BJM Group, to conduct the District performance audit. She stated that Ms. Suriano will speak more to this matter during her executive director report.

Chairmans Report- Marybeth Cunningham, Chair

Ms. Cunningham stated that the District has two proclamations for adoption at tonight’s meeting. The first recognizing Andrea Berry for her work and dedication as the CEO of Heathy Start for the last seven years. Ms. Cunningham read the proclamation aloud for the record and presented Ms. Berry with a plaque of recognition. Next, she read aloud the second proclamation into the record, which recognized National Nurses week, which took place in May.

District Counsel Report- Sebastian DeMaio, Esq.

Mr. DeMaio provided the District counsel report on behalf of Ms. Peshke who was out of town. He stated that the District received the VNA’s Notice to Exercise its Option to Purchase the real property described as the “Hospice House Parcel” and will be voting on Board Resolution 2023-02 which pertains to the sale, later in tonight’s meeting. Next, he stated that the Trustees discussed the value of creating a Finance and Audit Committee for the District. Resolution 2023-01 has since been drafted to establish this committee, which will also be brought forth for adoption later in tonight’s meeting. Additionally, the District’s budget review and funding cycle is underway and they have participated in several budget funding sessions this past month. Their office will remain available to the District staff and to each of the trustees should questions arise throughout this process. Lastly, he stated that their office has responded to questions from the recruiter that the District has hired to find candidates for the open Executive Director position, and will continue to do so as the need arises.

Financial Statement Review- Michael Kint, Treasurer

Mr. Kint provided his report and stated the District is in a healthy fiscal position eight months into the fiscal year. The District received additional tax revenues in the last month, bringing the collection against budget to 98% and District expenses for program and administrative needs continue to be under budget. He explained that the Trustees will have further opportunity to review spending relative to this fiscal year’s budget at the upcoming budget discussion meeting in July. He stated that it is clear that some agencies may not utilize all of their budgeted funds this fiscal year and knowing this may impact future funding allocation. Lastly, he stated that the Districts investments total $8.6 million with DeepBlue and an additional $4.5 million with Treasury Direct. He further explained that one of the Districts T-bills matured and those funds, which equal $1.2 million, be deposited into the Districts operating account to cover expenses.

Executive Director Report- Ann Marie Suriano, Executive Director

Ms. Suriano provided her report and discussed House Bill 1130 which was passed in 2022, requiring all special districts to conduct a performance review every five years, beginning October 1, 2023. She explained that over the last several months Ms. Voss has conducted research and due diligence on qualified firms to conduct the Performance Review for the District and submitted four proposals to her for review and consideration. She reviewed the same and has made the recommendation to engage with BJM Group based on their experience and expertise in conducting these audits. She further stated that Dave Solvin from BJM and Bruce Curran from their partner The Surgicalist Group, were present at todays meeting to answer any questions. Ms. Cunningham asked that Mr. Solvin provide a brief introduction of their firm and work history with conducting these performance audits for the Trustees benefit. Mr. Solvin stated that BJM Group is a network of accounting firms and has a dedicated audit division, with 40 years’ experience in conducting performance audit. To date, they have completed performance audits for 27 Special Fire Districts in Florida and those clients have been very satisfied with the work product. They have also partnered with the Surgicalist Group who will help assist with performance audits for Hospital Districts. Additionally, he explained that they have firms based in Florida and Georgia, but the team working on the District account will be based in Tampa. He then discussed the process of conducting the performance audit review and stated that the main objectives will be to look at the District operations and finances, to see how well they are performing in those areas and where there can be improvements. The report will then be provided to the District Trustees and staff for review, prior to it being submitted to the state. Mr. Westcott asked if there will be opportunity for the individuals Trustees to participate in the process. Ms. Solvin stated that they primarily work with the District staff to obtain the requested information and data, however if a Trustee wanted to be a part of the kickoff call they would be welcome. They will also have opportunity to review the report before it is finalized to provide any feedback. Mr. Solvin further stated that the whole process will take around 20 weeks to complete.

Next, Ms. Suriano stated that the CSAC grants review committee spent three days listening to the funding proposals. There was $2,567,776 million available for funding however they received $3,766,993 in requests from 35 organizations, 11 of which had more than 1 program for a total of 56 programs. There were 25 of these programs that received the full request and 10 that received no funding. Additionally, the CSAC committee made a recommendation to the County Commission that any of the funds awarded which were not utilized by the entity, that they be available to the other organizations that they were initially unable to fund. Further she believes that moving forward there are ways that the District and County Commission can work together to better align their funding to reduce duplication of efforts.

Funded Agency Semi Annual Report –
Childcare Resources- Tracey Griffis, Director of Wellness & Early Intervention

Ms. Griffis introduced herself, Tara Beard Director of the Childcare Resources School and Shannon McGuire Bowman, who serves as the Executive Director. She provided an update concerning the Wellness and Early Intervention Program and stated that thanks to District funding they were able to add an Early Childhood Mental Health Therapist to their staff in February. She explained that her expertise has made a profound and immediate impact to the support they are able to offer the families who are experiencing challenging behaviors, traumatic circumstances and mental health needs, and that her caseload has already reached 80% capacity within the program. Therefore, they have hired a second mental health professional funded by the District, and the Early Childhood Mental Health & Behavioral Coach will join their Wellness and Early Intervention Team on July 1st. The coach brings a great deal of experience with behavioral analysis, extensive work with families and create appropriate interventions within the classroom to help children achieve success, and they look forward to the collaboration of these two Mental Health professionals and the impact they will make for the children and families at the school. Ms. Beard addressed the board and stated that another initiative the District funded was for professional development training for their teachers through the Florida Association of Infant Mental Health. She explained that all teachers and support staff took part in the training and she is pleased to report that once the training is complete their school is the first school in the state of Florida to have all of its staff certified with this endorsement. Lastly, there was discussion surrounding the increasing number of children needing these intervention services and stated that 30% of their students receive support for trauma, and the attributing factors which she identified was mainly domestic and substance abuse within the family. She further stated that they are currently experiencing the highest number of DCF cases the school has ever recorded. The Trustees thanked them for their continued efforts and accomplishments.

Treasure Coast Community Health- Vicki Soule, CEO

Ms. Soule addressed the board and provided an update concerning TCCH. She began by discussing some of the challenges the organization has had, and specifically with regard to indigent care reimbursement. She explained that due to COVID and the expansion of Medicaid coverage, they were under budget for medical services last year. However, those expansion are no longer in effect and they have seen an increase of uninsured patients for the current fiscal year. There was discussion surrounding their Medicaid shortfall and Ms. Soule indicated that their reimbursement from Medicaid is just slightly below their cost, however many of their patients do not qualify for Medicaid as they do not have children. She explained that a large patient population at TCCH is single working males, without children, who still meet their financial threshold for indigent or ALICE. Next, she discussed growth within the organization and stated that overall, they have seen a 3-5% growth in all service lines over the last year. However, at the Gifford Health Center, they saw a 20% increase in number of patients and she believes this was due to the increased access to pediatric visits, as well as the introduction of optometry services. Additionally, she stated that with their growth they are looking to expand space within their clinics, and are finalizing plans to purchase clinic space in the west part of the county. Their Oslo campus is also undergoing renovations and will now have a dedicated wing specifically for pediatrics and children’s dental care. Lastly, she discussed their partnership with the IRC Sheriff’s office and healthcare they are providing at the jail. She stated that they just celebrated their one-year anniversary concerning the partnership and it has been very positive. The partnership has also provided an opportunity to change the culture, for both. They are also looking to expand services to provide support for chronic care and medication assistance, and are working with Ritelife Services and Substance Awareness Center to support those initiatives.

Visiting Nurse Association- Lundy Fields, CEO

Mr. Fields addressed the board and discussed trends they are seeing in healthcare which included the continued issue with recruiting and retaining staff. He explained that there is a national shortage of nurses and they have had to increase their sign on bonuses to stay competitive with other markets. Additionally, home health is changing and they are working to stay up to date with the latest trends and have become innovative with the utilization of artificial intelligence, where appropriate. He then introduced Kathy Orton who provided an update concerning their Hospice services. She stated that their Certificate of Need for Hospice services was challenged last year and AHCA awarded a temporary license to another Hospice entity who wanted to provide services in the County. The VNA appealed the decision and was able to show that the VNA was currently meeting the hospice needs in Indian River County through a trial that took place in September of last year. The trail ended in the favor of the VNA and subsequently an Administrative Law Judge denied the other entities Certificate of Need. However, the entity who first submitted the challenge filed an appeal and they are now waiting on a ruling for that appeal. Next, she discussed Hospice care for the last 6 months and stated that they have admitted over 1,100 patients. She then discussed their challenges with length of stay and stated that the average is 59 days and has increased 13% this last year. Therefore, they are working on their advanced care planning initiative and a community campaign to further awareness and provide education on hospice and home health services, and the value of making decision early by having a plan in place for loved ones. Lastly, she referenced their patient outcomes and stated that they are above the state and national average. Next Jackie Keville, the new VP of Home Health and Private Care addressed the board and stated that she transitioned into that role in March after the departure of Ed Lowe. She discussed their main initiative of whole patient care concerning Home Health and stated that they continue to take a collaborative approach in providing care to the patient to make sure all needs are being met. Next, she discussed the Hospital Prevention Program (HHP) and stated that with the help of their ARPN they are working to bring greater awareness of the importance of advance care planning discussions with complex patients, especially seniors. Also, they have been able to utilize additional RN’s and social service professionals to the HHP team to support increasing number of patients added to this service. She further stated that they have partnered with CCIRH on their HHP and have achieved CMS 5-Star rating in patient satisfaction. Next Elizabeth Adams provided an update concerning the Mobile Health Clinic and stated that volumes have continued to grow and they saw a 102% increase from last year in registered patients. They have provided 956 hours on the road they have provided healthcare to 1,871 registered patients which is an average of one patient every 30 minutes. They have also assisted 531 individuals with health education for disease prevention and information on medical, dental, and mental health services. She further stated that they have established two new locations serving seniors in low-income housing communities and have been working collaboratively with the Senior Resource Center on that initiative. They also continue to provide health education clinics throughout the county.

Whole Family Health Center- Marie Andress, CEO

Ms. Andress provided a brief introduction concerning WFHC and stated that they are designated as Federal Qualified Health Agency lookalike and they do not receive regular Federal grant funding, so the support from the District is very impactful. She began by discussing their utilization of District funding which was slightly under budget. She explained that visits have decreased slightly and attributed that to the fact that there was expanded Medicaid. She believes now that the extended Medicaid has ended, they will again see an increase in uninsured patients. Next, she discussed the increased utilization of their pharmacy services and explained that they are now trying to capture more of their patients due to changes to the 340b pharmacy program. Next, she discussed growth within the organization and stated that they continue to work to expand space and providers at their centers and it has been a challenge. They have seen a 15% increase in patients served from last year and have recruited four new adult medicine providers. Next, she informed the board that WFHC received an impact 100 grant which was supplemented by the Johns Island Foundation, to support the purchase of a mobile medical office. Ms. Andress met with Ms. Soule, and Ms. Knipper to talk through how best to serve the community with mobile health services, so they are not duplicating efforts. She then spoke to the request to reallocate funds in their budget to support the additional pharmacy costs they have incurred and provided a breakdown of those figures. She explained that even with the reallocation they do not project they will go over budget for this current fiscal year. Additionally, for the upcoming fiscal year, they have increased their request concerning pharmacy costs, so it will be more accurate moving forward. Next, she discussed some challenges the organization has faced and stated that with the increase in population, they continue to struggle to meet the demand for services. Additionally, the low reimbursement rates from Medicare and Medicaid continue to not cover the true cost of a patient visit. They must also meet the demand for higher staff wages due to inflation. Lastly, she provided an update concerning new initiatives and stated that they are opening a new location near the hospital and will have three providers established at the clinic. They are also working to expand behavioral health services and have hired an additional therapist and are working to hire a psychologist as well. Further she explained that HRSA will be at their facility in the next week conducting a site visit and they have been preparing for the same.

New Business-

Mrs. Cunningham stated the Trustees should formally move to approve the hiring of BJM Group, to conduct the Performance Review for the District. Therefore, Ms. Bartlett made the motion, which was seconded by Ms. Deigl. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Suriano informed the board that the median cost to conduct this review has been included in the FY 23-24 budget.

Next, Mr. Kint read resolution 2023-01 into the record, which adopted the creation of a finance and audit committee for the District. Dr. Cooney made the motion to approve which was seconded by Ms. Bartlett, and the motion carried unanimously.

Lastly, Ms. Cunningham, read resolution 2023-02 into the record, which adopted the determination that the real property described as the Hospice House parcel is deemed to be surplus property and no longer useful to the District. Ms. Bodnar made the motion to approve which was seconded by Mr. Kint, and the motion carried unanimously.

Other Business

Mr. Wescott stated that he appreciates Ms. Cunninghams engagement with CCIRH leadership and coordinating them coming to address the Trustees next month. He stated that he had prepared some questions and requested follow up documentation from CCIRH a few months back and asked if those matters would be addressed and the documentation he requested be provided as well. Ms. Cunningham stated she was not aware as to what they would be addressing specifically or if they would be providing any documentation but offered to work with Ms. Suriano on following up with CCIRH, to gain further insight as to what would be addressed.

Mr. Kint stated that in connection with the newly approved finance and audit committee, he would like further Trustee input and recommendations as to the additional community members that may be appointed to the serve on the committee. Currently, it was suggested that former Trustees and Treasurer of the board Allen Jones participate, as well as Keith Morgan who is a local CPA. He asked that any additional recommendations be forwarded to Ann Marie for review and consideration

Public Comment/Adjourn

There was no public comment, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM



William P Cooney M.D. is an orthopedic surgeon (retired) who has been a resident of Vero Beach since 2004. He practiced orthopedic surgery at Indian River Medical Center from 2006-2015 within the orthopedic practice of Prosports. He served on the IRMC Foundation for four years. Prior to this, he was a Professor of Orthopedics at Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, Chair of the Division of Hand Surgery and Vice president of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. He served as the Vice Chairman of the Mayo Clinic Development Department. He has been President of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Orthopedic Research and Education Foundation, Consultant at Shrine Hospital systems. He was editor in chief of the Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and co-editor of the Journal of Hand Surgery. He held grants in hand and wrist surgery sponsored by National Institute of Health (NIH) and Stryker Orthopedics and has over 250 publications in the field of orthopedic surgery, hand, wrist and elbow surgery and microsurgery- free tissue transfers. Within Indian River County, he has served as Chairman of the Board and President of the Hope for Families Homeless Center, Board of the Indian River Hospital Foundation, We Care and Whole Family Health Center medical practices.

Term:  1/23-12/24   |   1/24-12/29

Origination: Elected (2 OC)

Occupation: Retired Surgeon


Address: 1705 19th Pl Suite G3, Vero Beach, FL 32960



Kerry Bartlett,  of Vero Beach, has more than 30 years experience in philanthropy, including as vice president of the VNA & Hospice Foundation; VNA chief advancement officer from 2001-2007; and executive director of the Indian River Community Foundation from 2008-2014. Kerry is the founder of The Bartlett Company, which focuses on nonprofit and philanthropic consulting. She also is a managing director for Carter, a Vero Beach company that specializes in advancing philanthropy worldwide. Kerry has spent more than 25 years in the nonprofit sector as a fund development professional and has particular expertise in annual funds, major gifts, endowment campaigns and legacy giving. Kerry is also known for creating and implementing effective donor-centered stewardship programs that build, maintain and strengthen nonprofits’ relationships.

Term:  3/21-12/22   |   1/23-12/26

Origination: Appointed by Governor Ron DeSantis
Elected NOC

Occupation: Philanthropic Consultant/Managing Director


Address: 1705 19th Pl Suite G3, Vero Beach, FL 32960



Karen has been President and CEO of Senior Resource Association, where she successfully advocates for older adults and their families, since 2006. In that role, she helps provide activities, education and services benefiting older and disabled adults in Indian River County. In addition, Karen provides oversight of the community mass transit system for residents and visitors of the county. As CEO, Karen is responsible for a $7 million operational annual budget and managing more than 100 employees. She ensures that fiscally sound and responsible solutions are created to provide healthcare and a better quality of life for all Indian River County residents. Karen earned a BS in Health Administration from Florida Atlantic University and an MHA from the University of Florida. She was elected to the Indian River County Hospital District Board of Trustees in 2016, and joined the Board in January 2017.

Term:  1/17-12/20   |   1/21-12/24   |   1/24-12/29

Origination: Elected 1 OC | Elected NOC

Occupation: President/CEO


Address: 1705 19th Pl Suite G3, Vero Beach, FL 32960



Paul Westcott has been a Board Certified Workers' Compensation Attorney since 1999. In addition, Paul has earned his certification from the Florida Supreme Court as a Circuit Civil and Family Law Mediator. Receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree in both Economics and Political Science at Florida Southern College, he continued his education at Stetson University College of Law. He graduated from Stetson in 1988, having been a published member of the Stetson Law Review. Paul has been a member of the Florida Bar since 1988.  He began his practice in a combined civil litigation and transactional practice before serving as an Assistant State Attorney.  He began his career in Workers' Compensation with Rissman, Weisberg, Barrett, Hurt, Donahue & McClain P.A., where he handled Workers' Compensation cases at the trial and appellate levels.  In 1997, Paul opened the Ft. Pierce office of Hurley, Rogner, Miller, Cox, Waranch & Westcott P.A. handling workers' compensation cases at all levels throughout central and south Florida, while managing the operations of that office.  During his nearly 25 year career in Workers' Compensation, he lectured on a wide range of industry topics.

1/23-12/26   |   1/21-12/24

Origination: Elected 1 OC 

Occupation: Attorney & Mediator


Address: 1705 19th Pl Suite G3, Vero Beach, FL 32960



Charles “Chuck” Mackett MD is a practicing primary care physician who has a long and storied career in military, academic and executive medicine. Dr. Mackett recently retired from Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital where he served for fourteen years as Chief Medical Officer, Chief of Staff and President of Indian River Medical Associates. Dr. Mackett serves on the Board of Directors of the We Care Foundation of Indian River County and the Mental Health Collaborative of Indian River County. He currently cares for patients at Treasure Coast Community Health. These experiences give Dr. Mackett a unique perspective regarding mental health, substance abuse, maternal-child care, care for veterans, preventive medicine and access to high quality medical care.

Dr. Mackett is a graduate with honors from the University of Notre Dame and is a graduate from the SUNY Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, NY. He is a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha National Medical Honor Society and earned his Master of Medical Management degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Mackett is trained in Aerospace Medicine and is board certified in Family Medicine and Geriatrics. He is a combat veteran, former Air Force Hospital Commander and flight surgeon who served in Germany, Haiti, Japan, Korea, Romania and Iraq. His many military decorations include two Legions of Merit, a Bronze Star Medal, a Defense Meritorious Service Medal and three Air Force Meritorious Service Medals. Dr. Mackett is an Outstanding Graduate of the Air War College.

A native of Upstate New York, Dr. Mackett and his family first moved to Florida in 1996 when he served as Fight Commander and Residency Program Director at Eglin Air Force Base before later serving as Medical Group Commander at Patrick and MacDill Air Force Bases. Dr. Mackett served as Associate Professor, Executive Vice Chairman of Family Medicine and Consultant in the International and Commercial Services Division at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center before returning permanently to Florida and Vero Beach in 2009.

As a Hospital District Trustee, Dr. Mackett plans to advocate for improved access to mental health services and access to affordable high quality primary and specialty care for all residents of Indian River County particularly mothers, children, the elderly, the underserved and veterans.

Term: 1/24-12/29

Origination: Elected NOC

Occupation:  Primary Care Physician


Address: 1705 19th Pl Suite G3, Vero Beach, FL 32960



Born and raised in Illinois, Michael was a Theatre and Speech Instructor at Lincoln College when he moved to Indian River County in 1984. He was the Director of Education for the Riverside Theatre for a decade, helping to build the Riverside Children’s Theatre and directing many productions. Michael is well known in the community for his 25 years of service at the United Way of Indian River County, 16 of those years as the CEO. He is very proud of his work with dozens of nonprofit agencies and his commitment to creating and strengthening community collaboratives. Michael was also an Adjunct Faculty member at Barry University for 20 years. He has served on many boards and committees over the years, including: Children’s Services Advisory Committee Needs Assessment, Chair of the Emergency Food and Shelter Program for many years, and he was a founding member of the Mental Health Collaborative, the Senior Collaborative of IRC and the IRC Executive Roundtable. As a Hospital District Trustee he is committed to serving all the citizens of our county. In particular, he hopes to see enhanced availability and affordability for behavioral/mental health for all in need.

Term: 1/23- 12/26

Origination: Elected 1 OC

Occupation: Retired CEO United Way


Address: 1705 19th Pl Suite G3, Vero Beach, FL 32960



In 1973, Mr. Jones began a 27 year career with Merrill Lynch, eventually becoming a senior executive of the company, Senior executive positions included Chairman and CEO of Merrill Lynch Life Insurance Company, serving on the Private Client Executive Committee and various other leadership roles including leading the effort to transition Merrill Lynch to a fee based rather than commission based business. Prior to joining Merrill Lynch, Mr. Jones’ professional career began in the United States Air Force from 1964-1968, achieving the rank of Captain. He then worked with Investment Company Dabbs, Sullivan, Trulock located in Little Rock, Arkansas rising to partner before the firm was sold and joining Merrill Lynch. Mr. Jones received his B.S.B.A in 1964 from University of Arkansas. He further completed advanced management courses at the Kellogg School of Business at Northwestern University, the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University. His past community service efforts include serving on the Board of Directors for the John’s Island Club from 2008-2010; Board of Directors for the Indian River Medical Center from 2007-2010; Chairman of the Indian River Medical Center Foundation from 2006-2010; Board of Directors of the Bedens Brook Golf Club; Board of Directors of the Princeton Community Hospital from 1994-1999 and the Chairman of the American Health Association, in Houston, Texas.

Term: 1/24-12/29

Origination: Elected 2 OC

Occupation: Retired CEO


Address: 1705 19th Pl Suite G3, Vero Beach, FL 32960