Indian River County Hospital District
October 17, 2018
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Tracey Zudans
Ann Marie McCrystal Barbara Bodnar
Allen Jones Kare Deigl (via telephone)
EXCUSED: Dr. Michael Weiss
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Frederick
Kate Voss Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
OTHER ATTENDEES: Miranda Hawker Tony Brown
Vicki Soule Lundy Fields
Michael Felix Julianne Price
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham convened the Chairman’s meeting of the IRCHD at 10:00 AM by welcoming those in attendance.
Strategic Planning Review- Michael Felix, MSHA
Mr. Felix provided the Trustees with a review of the District strategic plan for 2019-2022. He explained that this process will be a data driven approach and will utilize the recent health needs assessment data to focus on areas of priority. Additionally, there will be a review of the current methods for providing funding for indigent care and other programs, with evaluation data on those funded programs. Currently, Mrs. Suriano and District staff are working with Mr. Felix to compile a list of individuals in the community to have conversations around population health improvement and objective setting. Next month, Mr. Felix will present an updated plan with strategic tasks, timelines and objectives.
Gifford Health Center- Allen Jones, Treasurer
Mr. Jones explained that at last month’s Chairman’s meeting, the Trustees approved creating an RFP, to consider the best way to return the Gifford Health Center to its original intended mission as established in 2003. During the drafting of the document, District counsel Mrs. Peshke discovered some complicating issues including an existing lease with the Health Department. It became clear that the District was not certain of the health needs to be provided and desired by the Gifford community. Therefore, it was recommended that the process be changed to a Request for Information (“RFI”). Mr. Jones further explained that the goal of this process is to listen to the residents of Gifford and establish services that they want and will support in the most effective way. The RFI is to engage as many interested entities to meet together and discuss how a collaborative effort can be established with the end objective of providing robust healthcare in the Gifford Health Center. There was further Trustee discussion and Mrs. Peshke indicated that a motion would need to be made to amend the process from an RFP to an RFI. Mr. Jones made a motion to modify the RFP process previously approved through the board to pursue an RFI and outline. Mrs. McCrystal seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The District will hold an upcoming meeting to release the document for consideration to interested health agencies.
Update regarding United Against Poverty Expansion- Jennifer Frederick, Program Liaison
Mrs. Frederick provided an update concerning the Up Centers expansion project. As a historical review, she explained that a collaborative group was developed to discuss an opportunity to provide primary care and mental health services to their clients. TCCH, VNA, and Whole Family Health participated and during the initial discussions a list of services were developed. The group also identified potential challenges and needs they may face with the expansion. Mrs. Frederick informed the Trustees that on November 2nd, Up will host their 5th annual Poverty Symposium. Many local organizations have been invited to participate including the District. Topics to be discussed include indigent care, the We Care Program, and Federal Qualified Health Centers. Additionally, there will be discussion concerning the reduction of inappropriate use of the Emergency Department, along with how preventative care can save tax dollars. She invited the Trustees to attend and stated that the meeting was noticed to avoid any issues with the Sunshine Law requirements.
Public Comment-
Mrs. Hawker of the Health Department provided the group with information concerning Red Tide, which is currently affecting all of Indian River County.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM