Indian River County Hospital District
October 14, 2020
10:00 AM
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Barbara Bodnar
Ann Marie McCrystal Allen Jones
EXCUSED: Michael Weiss Karen Deigl
Tracey Zudans
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Frederick
Kate Voss Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
ATTENDEES: James Large Annabel Robertson
Lisa Rymer Vicki Soule
Kip Jacoby Bill Stengel
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham convened the Chairman’s meeting of the IRCHD Board of Trustees at 10:00 AM by welcoming those participating via Zoom.
Agreed Upon Procedures- Kip Jacoby, CPA of MJTB
Mr. Jacoby provided a copy of the Agreed Upon Procedures for FY 17-18 to the Trustees. He briefly reviewed the findings from the report and there was Trustee discussion on the same. Mrs. Cunningham asked what the District planned to do moving forward, to avoid any files being flagged by the Auditors as incomplete or exceptions. Mrs. Frederick indicated that District staff and the providers have implemented reporting procedures into the database within the notes section, that explain if the applicant has extraordinary circumstances. This way the Auditor can review those notes and have a better understanding as to why the applicant was approved for District coverage. Mr. Jacoby said that there will be fewer flagged applications within the next batch of Agreed Upon Procedures for FY 18-19 and 19-20, due to the better reporting process of the District. He plans to report on those findings in December.
Program Liaison Report- Jennifer Frederick, Program Liaison
Mrs. Frederick stated that she has completed and sent out all the agency funding agreements for fiscal year 20-21. She is waiting on the return of only three agreements and has provided copies to Mrs. Peshke. She informed the Trustees that she received an appreciation plaque from Healthy Start for participation in the FIRM review panel. Mr. Jones, Ms. Zudans, and Ms. Frederick participated on behalf of the District. The FIMR study is almost complete and they will be presenting the finding to the community in the next few months. Mr. Jones added that this report is normally conducted and funded through the State Health department and only completed sporadically. The last report on this data for Indian River County was completed 10 years ago. He explained that the Health Department had requested funds from the State Health Department to conduct a new study, but was denied funding. Therefore, the Hospital District stepped up and provided the funding for the much-needed study. Mrs. Frederick stated that participating with the group was very informative.
Other Business
Mrs. Cunningham informed the group that the CCIRH board meeting took place yesterday and the EPIC roll out has been completed. There have been some issues with the transfer of the phone system and referral services but they are actively working to correct those. Mr. Jones stated that he received information that the old system with patient information and medical records was not transferred into the new system and he would like a follow up on that matter. Mrs. Cunningham stated that as of yesterday, there were 7 COVID-19 cases at the hospital. Additionally, CCIRH has recruited a number of new physicians. This included 5 cardiologists, 2 neurosurgeons, 2 orthopedics, and possibly 10 others with various specialties. Lastly, she explained that volumes are down at the ED and in outpatient services.
Ms. Peshke stated that she continues to work with the VNA on the lease for the entire parcel which includes the hospice house. The VNA has received feedback concerning the lease term from its donors and the donors would like to see a 4, 10-year term instead of 3, so they can obtain full depreciation on the buildings. Another item to be addressed was the lack of language addressing the VNA to have the right of first refusal or the option to purchase, within the lease. This is intended to be added to the new restated and amended lease, and she is working through this language with the VNA’s legal counsel.
Ms. Voss stated that she attended the GHC meeting, and Mrs. McCrystal attended as a Trustee. Mrs. McCrystal stated that Mr. Woolfork is very pleased with the progress that TCCH has made in operating the center. Mrs. Soule provided an update concerning the GHC and stated that volumes are continuing to rise slowly, but she would like more members of the community to utilize the center. However, the non-show rates are down to 8%. She also discussed a new partnership TCCH is entering into with Dodgertown Elementary, to provide health services to children. This would be a long-term agreement between the two entities and similar programs at other schools have proven successful.
Mrs. Suriano stated that she is working on an RFP for a mental health and substance abuse intensive outpatient program (“IOP”), with a group of community leaders. She is gathering a few people to serve on the review committee for the RFP and will update the Trustees with the progress.
Mrs. McCrystal encouraged the Trustees to take Dr. Saver’s offer to visit the We Care clinic and “shadow” Dr. Fountain for the day. She explained that is a great way to get a first-hand account of the service that We Care provides to the community. Mrs. Suriano stated that she will be meeting with Dr. Turner, Marie Andress, Vicki Soule, and Dr. Saver next week to discuss the challenges they are facing with the specialty referral process between the clinics and the hospital.
Public Comment
Mrs. Cunningham asked for additional public comment and there was none. Mr. Jones made the motion to adjourn which was seconded by Dr. Weiss. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM.