Indian River County Hospital District
August 15, 2018
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Tracey Zudans
Ann Marie McCrystal Dr. Michael Weiss
Allen Jones (via telephone)
EXCUSED: Barbara Bodnar
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Frederick
Kate Voss
OTHER ATTENDEES: Miranda Hawker Joelle Tinney
Dan Bach Pat Knipper
Gerri Smith Lundy Fields
Kathie Pierce Rudy Johnson
Tommy Johnson Beverly Smith
Ann Lanier Anthony Brown
Julianne Price Janet Begley
Kathy Orton Vicki Soule
Freddy Wolfork Michelle Genz
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham convened the Chairman’s meeting of the IRCHD at 10:00 AM by welcoming those in attendance.
VNA Community Health Care Initiative Review- Lundy Fields, CEO
Mr. Fields provided an updated and detailed review of the VNA’s 2018-2019 Health Care on Wheels funding request. He explained that their strategy is to launch a community wide health education and patient care campaign localized by area codes in the county. They would create a community health team and have this initiative be a collaborative effort with different community health organizations. He further explained that the Community Health Team would be comprised of one manager and eight community nurses. Their key responsibilities would be to collaborate with community leaders; coordinate clinic locations and mobile unit schedules; set up clinics; and connect people with community partners. Additionally, he stated that the mobile unit would be strategically placed in areas of the community to provide care and develop patient relationships, with the mission of assisting patients in obtaining a primary care provider. Mr. Fields further explained that they would begin this initiative in the Gifford and the Wabasso areas. He discussed the village concept in greater detail, along with their plan to identify a “Village Champion” who would be a contact for direct health needs in that community. Mr. Fields also reviewed their method for outcome data collection and reporting. He stated that all initiatives would be measured through metrics and patient surveys. There was further board discussion concerning the request and the trustees asked Mr. Fields to prepare a consolidated request which addressed key items from today’s discussion for further consideration.
Proposed Gifford Health Center Structure- Allen Jones, Treasurer
Mr. Jones provided a historical review of the creation of the Gifford Health Center. He explained that the center was opened in 2003 and was designed to be a full-service health center for the community of Gifford. Since its inception, it has been operated by the health department and is comprised of approximately 10,000 square feet. The funding for the center was comprised of $2.6 million in tax payer funds, along with $400,000 from philanthropy. The project total cost was approximately $3 million. He explained that over the last ten years the medical services offered has declined, ultimately transitioning the center to just pediatrics in 2014. A review of the health department’s funding request of approximately $4,000 for the center, reflected the fact that patients being served at the center were unable to meet the Districts guidelines for eligibility and that the center was not being utilized as it was originally intended.
Therefore, Mr. Jones took the opportunity to meet Gifford Health Council and members of the Gifford Community to discuss this matter and develop a list of primary services they believe are best for the center, while honoring the tax payer’s investment. The top priority service areas would be primary care for adults; pediatric care; extending hours of operation; and mental health counseling. He further stated that he has also worked with Ms. Hawker and the two prepared a proposal for the future of the center, but the document is still a work in progress. Mr. Jones explained that this proposal is similar to the funding structure set up between the Partners Program and the District. He reviewed the outline of the proposal with the Trustees and stated that the Gifford Health Council expressed their desire to have the Health Department remain the operator of the center due to their established relationship with the community. There was further Trustee discussion concerning this matter and the Board agreed with Mr. Jones recommendation to transition the Gifford Health Center back to a full function clinic for all.
Mrs. Zudans recommended that the board create an RFP concerning this matter and solicit additional bids from other health agencies. Ms. Deigl agreed and believes the District may be required to offer up an RFP, due to the cost associated with this initiative. Mrs. Peshke indicated that she would review the District’s Special Act concerning any obligation to offer up an RFP. Ms. Deigl made a motion to prepare an RFP relevant to the operations of the Gifford Health Center, which was seconded by Mrs. Zudans. The motion carried 4 to 3. The board also agreed to keep $500,000 in reserves for this matter, in the budget for upcoming fiscal year 2018-2019.
FY 2018-2019 Budget Questions/Discussion- Ann Marie Suriano, Executive Director
Before discussion concerning the budget began, Mrs. Zudans stated that she is recommending that the board go out for RFP on all contracted services. Many Trustees agreed with her recommendation and stated that they could implement that process for the following fiscal year. The Trustees had a brief discussion concerning the budget for fiscal year 2018-2019. The board agreed to hold a separate meeting to discuss any items of concern in greater detail, which will take place on August 29 at 10:00 AM.
Vero Electric Sale for Presentation at PSC- Tracey Zudans, Trustee
Mrs. Zudans read the proposed resolution 2018-02 concerning the Vero Beach Electric sale to Florida Power and Light. She is requesting that the board approve this resolution in support of the sale. She further explained that other local government agencies have also approved similar resolutions. As to why the District should support the sale, Mrs. Zudans stated that most of the District funded agencies currently receive electric service through the city of Vero Beach. Approving the sale to FPL could potentially provide 28% saving in electric costs to those agencies. She further explained that she plans to attend a hearing at the Florida Public Service Commission in Tallahassee in October and would like to present this resolution. There was further Trustee discussion and a few Trustees offered up changes to the document. Mrs. Peshke stated that she would incorporate the changes and the item would be placed on tomorrow night’s agenda for a vote. Mrs. Soule, CEO of TCCH, encouraged the Trustees to support this resolution as the sale would help support lower electric costs for the center.
Public Comment- There was no public comment.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM