Indian River County Hospital District Conference Room/ Zoom
May 19, 2021
1:00 PM
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Barbara Bodnar
Ann Marie McCrystal Allen Jones
Karen Deigl Michael Weiss
Kerry Bartlett
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Frederick
Kate Voss Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham convened the Chairman’s and Budget Discussion meeting of the IRCHD Board of Trustees at 1:00 PM by welcoming those participating via Zoom and in person.
FY 21-22 Funding Requests-
Substance Awareness Center- Carrie Lester, Executive Director
Ms. Lester stated that the Substance Awareness Center (“SAC”) has submitted a total funding request of $164,466, which is a $94,466 increase from last fiscal year. In addition to the Peer Support/Recovery Assistance program that the District currently funds, SAC is seeking funding for three new programs. She first discussed the increased request for the Recovery Assistance program. She explained that the budget for the program has increased substantially due to an increase in the services provided, and the addition of new staff to support those services. Additionally, SAC is now facing a partial loss of funding for the program of approximately $29,500. She further explained that they expect to see an increase in need for these services post-pandemic, and aim to increase their peer staff in order to offer additional recovery support. Next, she discussed the new Teen Intervene program, which provides assistance to youth who have been identified as engaging in health risk behaviors. This early intervention program targets 12–18-year old’s who display the early stages of alcohol or substance abuse. The goal of many of these referrals is to keep youth from entering the juvenile justice system or deeper involvement into substance use. She then discussed their second new funding request which is CRAFT (“Community Reinforcement and Family Training”) for Families. CRAFT is a skills-based program that impacts families in multiple areas and offers support to families of substance users. The program will include education support and skills training to families and research has shown that almost 7 out of 10 people who use the program, get their substance user to attend treatment. Lastly, Ms. Lester discussed their funding request to support the cost of including acupuncture into SAC day treatment program. Day Treatment is a highly structured program offering 16 hours a week of treatment services. Acupuncture and learning the application of acupressure adds a beneficial evidence-based layer to their program and distinguishes it from others. It also provides a sense of relief and calmness to the patient when treated. SAC’s acupuncture program for Day Treatment clients has run in a deficit of $8,000 since FY 18/19. If the requested funding of $8,000 from the District is received, it will create a break-even budget in this program for the first time since its inception. There was further group discussion surrounding SAC and the positive impact its programs have on the community and the importance of supporting these types of services.
Dynamic Life Recovery- Rodger Ball, Senior Pastor & Mike Cianci, Certified Recovery Residence Admin.
Pastor Ball provided a brief introduction with his work in Indian River County and Dynamic Life Recovery. He explained that Dynamic Life is a FARR certified recovery residence. Their services include supportive housing for men in early recovery; recovery mentorship; behavioral health counseling; food and clothing assistance; and referral services to healthcare. The total funding request is $56,000 which would support three initiatives. The first being the Mark2 Scholarship program which would provide housing and treatment costs for the first month of a new resident stay at Dynamic Life Recovery, who would otherwise be unable to access care due to financial hardship. Funding from the District would expand their services to help approximately 30 men. Additionally, they are requesting one time funding of $5,000 to upgrade the camera and internet security systems. The current system at the facility is 15 years old and operating with outdated technology. The need for an upgraded system is essential to the safe operations of the facility. Lastly, they are requesting $1,000 in funding to obtain upgraded drug testing kits, which are crucial in tracking clients in the program. These updated tests would provide a more advanced 16 panel test cup that monitors more narcotics than the tests they are currently utilizing. There was further group discussion surrounding the request.
CCIRH Behavioral Health Center- Anne Posey, Director BHC
Mrs. Posey stated that through the Hospital District’s RFP process, the Behavioral Health Center at Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital has proposed to create and implement an Intensive Outpatient Program (“IOP”) beginning with an adolescent program for children ages 13-17. This program would be contingent on a three-year funding commitment from the Hospital District, United Way, Indian River Community Foundation and John’s Island Community Service League. The total funding request being submitted to the District is $203,472, which would cover one year of funding. Mrs. Posey explained that the IOP is intended for youth who need a level of care that will divert them from more intensive services. Those youth will be identified as needing a more intensive level of services than traditional outpatient services. She further reviewed data from the Community Health Needs Assessment that identified many of the youth in IRC continue to faces issues including untreated mental illness and chronic school absenteeism. Additionally, the suicide-age-adjusted mortality rate in IRC rose to 23.7% which is well above the state average from 14.1%. Mrs. Posey stated that the primary focus of the IOP will be to help youth develop resiliency and coping strategies utilizing cognitive and dialectical behavior therapy, and additional evidence-based treatments to cope with behavioral health needs and co-occurring substance use disorders. The IOP will ensure that youth are able to remain in the community and either continue to participate in school or return to school, which coping with their emotional needs. Ms. Posey stated that for the first year of the program, they project to serve 48 clients. Ms. Posey added that they also plan the ramp up of the program June 1st, to be ready to receive patients by September 1st. Further, Ms. Posey stated that they will be requesting an additional $100,000 for hiring supplies and program materials, for the period June 1-September 30, this fiscal year. There was Trustee discussion surrounding this program and the additional funding they are set to receive from the other participating organization.
Agreed Upon Procedures/Special Districts Accountability Bill 1103 Discussion- Ann Marie Suriano, Executive Director
Mrs. Suriano stated that she invited Mr. Jacboy to todays meeting to discuss the District’s current agreed upon procedures and the new Special District Accountability HB 1103, which would potentially require the District to obtain a performance review audit beginning in 2022. Mr. Jacoby stated that for the past several years his office has conducted a review to confirm the validity of the District’s qualifying process, ensuring those organizations that the District funds on a fee-for-service basis are qualifying individuals based off the District guidelines. Although it is often discussed that the District audits all of its funded agencies, those agencies who bill the District on a program or grant basis, are unable to be audited in the same manner. Mrs. Suriano was asked by the Trustees to include those agencies, funded on a program or grant basis, in the audit process moving forward. Mr. Jacoby recommended that the District consider hiring a maintenance audit employee who would review and maintain an internal audit of all funded agencies. Having this data would also align with the reporting requirements within HB 1103. There was further discussion surrounding HB 1103 and Mrs. Suriano stated that in her review and interpretation of the bill, she questioned whether the District would be required to conduct a performance audit. Per language within the bill, it seems that is directed more towards Special Districts who own and operate hospitals. She has since requested meetings with Representative Grall and Senator Mayfield to ask for clarification on this matter, as well as why they both voted in support of the bill. She also has requested that both attend the next month’s Chairman’s meeting to address the board regarding the same.
Public Comment & Adjourn
Mrs. Cunningham asked for public comment and there was none. The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 PM.