Indian River County Hospital District Conference Room/ Zoom
February 16, 2022
10:00 AM
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Allen Jones
Ann Marie McCrystal Barb Bodnar
Kerry Bartlett
ZOOM: Karen Deigl Pat Knipper
Samantha Mesena William Winns
Sabby Hightower Vicki Soule
Marie Andress Jennifer Frederick
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Dawn Carboni
Kate Voss Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
ATTENDEES: Kosta Velis Terri Prescott
Brain Gallagher Caleigh Hansen
Dr. William Mallon
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham convened the Chairman’s meeting of the IRCHD Board of Trustees at 10:00 AM by welcoming those participating via Zoom and in person.
Vero Beach Recovery Center Introduction- Kosta Velis, Chief Operations and Financial Officer & Dr. Terri Prescott, Medical Director
Mrs. Cunningham welcomed the representatives from Vero Beach Recovery (“VBR”) and Mr. Velis introduced himself and Dr. Prescott to the group. Mr. Velis provided a brief introduction of VBR and stated that the Center is an evidence-based facility, which offers Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient Program treatment. Based upon the level of care requirement, their clinical team will provide patients with a unique treatment plan designed to help achieve a more fulfilled life while providing them with the tools and support to cope with life on a daily basis. Dr. Prescott addressed the board and provided the Trustees with her educational background and credentials. She stated that she is a physician who practices psychiatry with children, adolescents, and adults. She has embraced a “bio-psycho-social” approach to patient care throughout the course of her career which began in the Philadelphia Health System working with the child welfare system and courts. Later in her career, she relocated to Vero Beach and began working at the IRMC BHC for 5 years. During that time, she discovered the lack of mental health care available in Indian River County and decided to open her own private practice and then subsequently VBR. She feels that there needs to be stronger case management services for mental health and substance abuse in Indian River County and they are striving to provide that service at a high level at VBR. She further stated that many of the clients who seek services at VBR are lower income and they have created a Foundation to help award scholarships to those individuals. However, there are still many clients who are unable to afford treatment and they also plan on submitting a funding request to the district this spring to afford more opportunities to provide services to those individuals. Additionally, they discussed the need for a detox center within the county and are currently looking at a few properties which are near the hospital. Mr. Velis stated that there could be an opportunity for the District to partner in this venture and hopes the District would be open to discussions on this in the future. There was Trustee discussion and Mrs. Cunningham asked if they were involved with the Mental Health Collaborative. She encouraged them to become members and to work collaboratively with the other members of the group as other agencies are also looking to support detox services within Indian River County.
GlobeChek Test- Allen Jones, Treasurer
Mr. Jones stated that he provided a written report prior to todays meeting, of the proposed test to the Trustees for review. He explained that since last month’s meeting where the Trustees agreed he and Mrs. Suriano would look further into collaborative opportunities with GlobeChek, they have met with Dr. Mallon, Ms. Hansen, and Ms. Andress to discuss the same. The group came up with a proposed 6-month test for consideration and he reviewed the same with the Trustees. It was discussed that the services of GlobeChek would be offered to all patients at Whole Family Health Center (“WFHC”), regardless if they met District financial assistance guidelines. The purpose of this test is to determine the benefit to patients and will be achieved by analyzing data and outcomes. Also, WFHC and GlobeChek will work to contract with specialists to provide further treatment to those patients whose tests come back abnormal. Most Trustees were in agreement with the proposal with the exception of Ms. Bartlett. She was concerned about starting a new initiative before the strategic plan was in place. However, the Trustees discussed how this was only a test and a good way to collect meaningful data. There was further Trustee discussion and with the majority of the Trustees in agreement to the proposal, Mr. Jones stated that they would move forward with next steps and the start date of March 1st.
Strategic Visioning Update- Jim Starr- Carter Associates
Mr. Starr addressed the board and stated he is excited to assist the Trustees with the next phase in the strategic planning process. Since the last meeting, the Trustees were asked to provide feedback concerning a final mission and vision statement, along with choosing 3 priority statements. He reviewed the same with the Trustees and there was lengthy Trustee discussion surrounding some further changes they would like to the mission and vision statements, along with the strategic priorities. Mrs. Suriano stated she would take those recommendations and again circulate the statements to the Trustees for final approval. Mr. Starr then discussed the next steps in the strategic planning process. He explained that an action plan and time frame will be developed through March and the strategic planning committee will meet in the next few weeks to review this plan. They will also ask for public input on the strategic priorities and provide those comments to the Trustees for consideration. He will provide another update to the Trustees at the March Chairman’s meeting.
Other Business
Ms. Bodnar stated that the Gifford Health Advisory Committee met last month and she provided an update to the Trustees from the meeting. She stated that representatives from TCCH; VNA; Healthy Start; We Care; and the Gifford Historical Society were in attendance. Each agency provided an update concerning their work and how it positively impacts the Gifford Community. The committee meets semi-annually and the next meeting will take place in June.
Mrs. Suriano stated that Ms. Frederick provided the Trustees with a program liaison report for their review and is present on Zoom, should they have any follow up questions for her. Additionally, she asked Ms. Carboni to provide the Trustees with an update on the work she has done since she was hired. Ms. Carboni stated that the annual audit of the funded agencies has been sent out along with the pre-audit questionnaire for their completion. All agencies have responded that they received the documents and the pre audit questionnaire is due back to the District by Friday. She plans to begin scheduling the site visits to the funded agencies in the next month and will provide reports of her findings to the Trustees.
Mrs. Suriano stated that she is in the process of reviewing renewal plans for health and dental insurance for the staff. She has provided the details and recommendations in her executive director report to the Trustees for their approval. Additionally, she stated that Governor DeSantis appointment office contacted the District and informed staff that he decided not to make an appointment to fill seat 7, which was vacated by Dr. Weiss at the end of December. This means the seat will remain vacant until the next general election this November. Four other seats will also be on the ballot which includes Seats 1, 2,4, and 6.
Public Comment & Adjourn
Mrs. Cunningham asked for public comment and there was none. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM