Indian River County Hospital District
December 18, 2019
10:00 AM
TRUSTEES: Tracey Zudans Barbara Bodnar
Ann Marie McCrystal Karen Deigl
Marybeth Cunningham Allen Jones
ABSENT: Michael Weiss
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
Jennifer Frederick Kate Voss
OTHER ATTENDEES: James Large Vicki Soule
Michelle Genz
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham convened the Chairman’s meeting of the IRCHD at 10:00 AM by welcoming those in attendance.
Gifford Health Center Advisory Committee Update- Tracey Zudans
Ms. Zudans provided an update concerning the Gifford Health Center Advisory Committee. She reported that yesterday’s discussion included the center’s patient volumes and no-show rates. Patient volumes continue to increase, while the no show rate is declining. It was determined that the decline in the no show rate was due to better follow-up communication with the patients. Further, there was discussion surrounding the Patient Advocate position. Ms. Zudans stated that many qualified candidates have applied, but only a small number of those are from the Gifford community, which was a requirement through the RFP. The position criteria has been evaluated and amended to ensure that the most qualified individual is chosen, rather than just choosing someone based on their residency. Additionally, the VNA mobile unit continues to see many patients and Ms. Knipper has hired an assistant to help with data collection and patient interviews. Lastly, she stated that the committee will meet again in January and discuss the frequency of their meetings and direction of the group, in the year 2020.
Program Liaison Update- Jennifer Frederick
Ms. Frederick provided her report and reviewed data concerning the District’s financial assistance program. From the beginning of the fiscal year, 460 new applications have been entered into the system. 690 applications have expired and 219 renewal applications have been processed. Since the District amended its financial assistance policy to include residents who fall between 150% -200% of the Federal Poverty Level, an additional 61 applications were approved. Further, Ms. Frederick prepared a report on TCCH visit comparisons, by service. She is also tracking who is visiting the Gifford Health Center, by zip code. The Trustees requested to have a more consistent reporting process on the District’s financial assistance data base, so that they may receive the most relevant information each month. Ms. Frederick stated that she will work to prepare the same.
Board Self-Evaluation Review- Ann Marie Suriano, Executive Director
Ms. Suriano stated that she reviewed the Trustees’ board self-evaluations and prepared an outline of the responses. Areas which need improvement from the Board Governance or Board oversite of Administration include:
1. Formal new board member orientation;
2. District Bylaws review and revision schedule;
a. Committee structure with Board representation to fulfill responsibilities.
3. Board making decisions that should be made by the Executive Director;
4. Board timely receipt of meeting notices, agendas, and advance meeting materials;
5. Content of funded agency semi-annual report;
6. Formal meeting structure that follows Robert’s Rules of Order; and
7. Board opportunities to communicate with the community on access to healthcare and Public Health needs.
Ms. Suriano is recommending the following to address those concerns:
1. The Executive Director and District counsel will review and amend the current Bylaws. Changes will be made in redline for the Trustees to review and solicit additional changes. Once reviewed by all, the Bylaws will be approved at the next meeting.
2. Executive Director and Program Liaison will formulate an outline and content proposal for new board members orientation. Approve through District counsel and seek board approval at the following regular meeting by May, 2020.
3. Administration, District counsel and one Trustee will form a committee to create a small set of written policies and procedures giving certain authorities to employee positions of the District and delineating board meeting conduct. Presented, discussed, and approved by the full board by August, 2020.
4. Chairman or designee, Executive Director and Program Liaison reengage with the IRC Department of Health to understand needs and how to partner collaboratively.
5. Create calendar for Trustees to tour the agencies and organize community speaking opportunities
Trustee Discussion-
Ms. Cunningham reported that she and Ms. Suriano met again with Dr. Packard from the IRC School District. They discussed statistics relative to mental health, self-harm, and Baker Acts with the students in the school system. Additionally, Cleveland Clinic Indian River and the IRC School District will be meeting in January to discuss the same, and how they can better support these issues. Additionally, Cleveland Clinic is now working to amend the Baker Act process. Currently the process has the patient waiting in the emergency department with a law enforcement officer, sometimes for an extended period of time, before being admitted into the Behavioral Health Center which can be traumatic to the patient. The new policy would allow the patient to be assessed at the Behavioral Health Center, and if necessary be directly admitted, which provides better patient care.
Ms. Deigl informed the Trustees she is working with Ann Posey on the mental health and substance use gaps that are becoming clear relative to the Public Guardianship program. She will update the Trustees with more information when it becomes available.
Ms. Zudans recommended that the District invite the other County Government Organizations to discuss information relative to the mental health issues within the school district, so that everyone is aware of the gaps and can work collaboratively towards long term solutions.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 AM