Chairman’s Meeting & Budget Presentations
Indian River County Hospital District
May 15, 2019
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Allen Jones
Ann Marie McCrystal Tracey Zudans
Barbara Bodnar Karen Deigl
Dr. Michael Weiss
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Frederick
Kate Voss Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
OTHER ATTENDEES: Marie Andress Laura Graze
Janet Begley Michelle Genz
Shannon Bowman Tracey Griffis
Tara Beard Vicki Soule
Corine Lester Diane Grossi
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman
Mrs. Cunningham convened the monthly chairman’s meeting of the IRCHD at 10:00 AM by welcoming those in attendance.
Indian River County’s Roles & Responsibilities- Jason Brown, County Administrator
Mr. Brown provided the Trustee with a review of the county administration organization chart which shows the breakdown of the functions of the county. He further reviewed the county taxing funds data which shows the counties current millage rate and taxing revenues which are collected. He explained that the county has multiple different tax rates depending on where you live and provided a detailed breakdown of each area. Mr. Brown then discussed the county’s general fund which provides funding for state agencies, economic development, children services, non-profit organization, and other various agencies. The continual expenses, which includes the county sheriff’s services, make up 63% of the total budget.
Mr. Brown continued his report and reviewed relevant health agencies that the District and the County support which include the county share of Medicaid; the county health department; and New Horizons. Ms. Deigl asked if there would be further review into the duplicated services which receive funding from both the District and the County and should there be a limit on the amount of tax dollars that can be received. There was further Trustee discussion concerning this matter and Mrs. Suriano indicated that she would continue to work with the county to see which programs could be solely funded by one agency as to not duplicate support with tax dollars.
Approval of Strategic Plan Governance Package- Ann Marie Suriano, Executive Director
Mrs. Suriano stated that last month she provided the Trustees with the updated job descriptions for the District staff and Trustees, as part of one of the Strategic Plan goals. She incorporated any changes that were requested from the Trustees and is asking for a motion to approve the same. Mrs. McCrystal made the motion to approve which was seconded by Ms. Deigl. The motion carried unanimously.
Update on Gifford Health Center RFP- Ann Marie Suriano
Ms. Suriano provided the Trustees with an updated concerning the Gifford Health Center RFP process and stated that the review committee met to open and review the proposals. The committee is made up of Allen Jones, Jennifer Peshke, Esq., Lenora Ritchie, Ann Marie Suriano, and Freddie Woolfork, who was asked to participate on behalf of the Gifford Community. It was at that time they agreed to independently review the proposals and hold another meeting the following week to discuss their findings and request any additional information from the agencies who submitted a response. The review committee convened again and Mr. Woolfork was unable to attend the meeting and no other members of Gifford community were present either. Therefore, the committee did not feel they could make a decision without the input of Mr. Woolfork or any other Gifford community leader. It was decided that two additional meetings would be scheduled at which time the committee would further discuss the proposals and vote on a recommendation which would be given to the District Trustees for consideration. It was suggested that the next committee meeting be held in Gifford to make it more accessible to the residents of Gifford. Additionally, Mr. Jones explained that TCCH and Whole Family are amended their proposals based of the further discussions and they will provide those to the committee by the end of the week. The hope is after the meeting on the 22nd the committee will have agreed on a recommendation and that recommendation will be provided to the Trustees on the 28th. There was further Trustee discussion the surrounding the challenges being faced concerning the Gifford community and their trust in this process. Some felt the community has not been receptive, even though all agencies participating in the transition have sought their input and included their community leaders.
Funding Requests-
Hope for Families- Dr. Tompkins & Diana Grossi
Ms. Grossi provided a review of the Hope for Families funding request for fiscal year 2019-202. She explained that Hope for Families Center supports the transition of families from homelessness to sustainable permanent housing by providing safe shelter, food, and supportive services. Families coming into the shelter are required to have up to date immunization records and health examinations, but often times present with inadequate or inaccurate information. Behavior issues are very common with the homeless clients and sometimes more serious mental health issues that require professional evaluation and management. The funds they are requesting from the District will be applied to a new medical and behavior program for their adult and children residents. The total request for funds is $85,520. Ms. Grossi stated that last fiscal year (July 1- June 30), 111 families came through the shelter. As of July 1, 2018, through April 2019 80 families have come to the shelter. She believes this new program funding will have a significant impact on providing needed health, mental and behavioral health services to the homeless families in Indian River County.
Substance Awareness Center- Carrie Lester, Executive Director
Ms. Lester reviewed the budget request for Substance Awareness Center which totaled $25,000. She explained that the Center is requesting District funding to support the work of the peers in both the Recovery Assistance program and in their role of outreach and engagement. The program is a recovery-based program that uses peers to help educate, engage and retain persons with substance use disorders into treatment and recovery. The peers begin their work with education, outreach, and engagement with one of the most vulnerable and excluded populations; those in the county jail. The peers conduct a weekly recovery outreach and engagement group for interested inmates at the jail and inmates must sign up for the program, which consists of 10 weekly group sessions. Ms. Lester further explained that the majority of their clients are indigent, without insurance, or coming out of jail. There is no other program that provides the peer services they provide in combination with housing. Additionally, Phoenix Rising Wellness Center, TCCH, UF Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine provide substance abuse treatment services in our county, but do not provide the comprehensive peer programming that Substance Abuse Center offers.
Childcare Resources- Shannon Bowman, Executive Director
Mrs. Bowman introduced Terra Beard, who is the director of the school and is responsible for the curriculum and engaging with families, along with Tracey Griffis Director of Wellness and Intervention, who oversees the coordination of care. Their funding request, which totals $73,522, would be used to support the Wellness and Early Intervention Program. This program is operated by the Ms. Griffis who is a registered nurse with a background in social work. She coordinates care for program families to ensure that every child’s wellness needs are met. This includes scheduling basic vision and hearing screenings for all students, up to and including working with families to navigate the health care system to ensure needed therapies are covered. Additionally, Childcare Resources works collaboratively with a variety of agencies, such as All Aboard Therapy, Tykes & Teens, A+ Therapy and Piece of the Puzzle. They also provide access to mental health services through grant funding for students and their family members through the Mental Health Association. Ms. Bowman stated that funding would give this program the opportunity to enhance the level of care their families currently receive and continue to grow.
Other Business-
Mrs. Frederick stated that she will be providing the Trustees with a summary of all the funding requests from all agencies that are applying for funding. Since the number of new agencies requesting funding has increased significantly, the board agreed to only hear formal presentations from those new agencies. Ms. Frederick indicated that if any Trustee would like a complete copy of any of the funding request, they may contact the office.
Public Comment- There was no public comment.
Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM