First Public Budget Hearing
September 13, 2018
5:01 PM
TRUSTEES: Marybeth Cunningham Karen Deigl
Dr. Michael Weiss Tracey Zudans
Ann Marie McCrystal (via telephone)
EXCUSED: Allen Jones
STAFF: Ann Marie Suriano Jennifer Frederick
Kate Voss Jennifer Peshke, Esq.
OTHER ATTENDEES: Sue Tompkins Kathie Pierce
Dan Bach Barbara Pearce
Kathy Orton Carol Kanerak
Jeanne Shepherd Susan Maizano
Lundy fields Michel Genz
Val Zudans
Convene Meeting – Marybeth Cunningham, Chairwoman IRCHD
Mrs. Cunningham convened the first public budget hearing of the Indian River County Hospital District (“IRCHD”) at 5:01 p.m. She reminded the attendees at the meeting that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss and approve a tentative budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Further, she stated that pursuant to state regulations, no other business shall be discussed at today’s meeting.
Review of the July 25, 2018 proposed FY 2017-2018 Budget Information- Ann Marie Suriano, Executive Director
Mrs. Suriano stated that on July 25, the board approved a tentative budget with a millage rate of .9405, which would produce tax proceeds of approximately $16 million. Additionally, that proposed millage rate would create an 11.37% increase over the rolled back rate. Mrs. Suriano explained that the rolled back rate is what the board would asses to receive the same amount of taxes in a year with an increased property value, which is the case this year. She further discussed the reasons of the increase in budget which included increased volumes at the hospital, and three new agencies also requested funding in fiscal year 2017-2018.
Mrs. Cunningham asked for Trustee comment. Mrs. Zudans stated that property tax value increases for the District will provide $900,000 in extra revenue without raising the rates. Additionally, due to the Partnership process, the District will have a cost savings of $750,000. As a steward of the tax payers, she cannot support a tax rate increase. Dr. Weiss echoed her sentiments.
Adoption of Tentative FY 2018-2019 Budget- Ann Marie Suriano
Mrs. Suriano stated that on August 29th, the Trustees held a budget discussion meeting and the Trustee agree to reduce some line items within the budget. Therefore, the millage rate being proposed today is .9122. Mrs. Cunningham indicated that the final budget hearing will take place on Sept 27, which is after the first meeting relative to the Cleveland Clinic partnership. At that time, the Trustees will have a better understanding of the financial commitment that Cleveland Clinic will propose to support indigent care. There was further Trustee discussion concerning the proposed millage.
Dr. Weiss made a motion to adopt a millage rate of .9122, which was seconded by Ms. Deigl. Motion carried 5-1 with Mrs. Zudans in opposition.
Ms. Deigl made a motion to adopt the tentative budget as written, which was seconded by Ms. Bodnar. Motion carried 5-1 with Mrs. Zudans in opposition.
Mrs. Suriano publicly announced the District proposed millage rate of .9122 for fiscal year 2018-2019, which represents an increase over the rolled back rate of 8.2%.
Public Comment-
Dr. Val Zudans, taxpayer, stated that he believes that the District is “mission creeping” by funding programs that are outside of the Districts purview. He believes the District should only fund programs that have proven outcomes. He also stated he does not feel the District should increase the millage due to the additional funds they will be receiving from the property value increase.
Ms. Sue Tompkins, volunteer at VNA and taxpayer stated that is the VNA is entering a new era and their mission is to drive positive health care outcomes for the community. She believes that the VNA and the District share the same mission and vision which is much greater than serving just indigent patients. She explained that the Mobile Unit Community Health Campaign will be result oriented and they will work collaboratively with other health agencies in the community. She encouraged the Trustees to reconsider their choice to fund the program at half the requested amount.
Mrs. Jeanne Shepherd of the Mental Health Association and Mr. Freddie Woolfork of the Gifford Health Council, also voiced their support of the VNA Mobile Unit Community Health Campaign and encouraged the Trustees to support it fully.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM