Chairman’s Meeting
Indian River County Hospital District
Hospital District Conference Room/Zoom
August 16, 2023
10:00 AM
I. Convene Meeting – Kerry Bartlett, Vice Chair
II. Introduction of Frank Isele- Kerry Bartlett, Vice Chair
III. FY 23-24 Budget Discussion- Michael Kint, Treasurer
b. Healthy Start
c. RiteLife Services
d. Sunshine Physical Therapy
e. Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council
IV. Discussion Concerning Future Use of HSB & Hospice House Sale Update- Jennfier Peshke, Esq.
V. Recommendation for Members to Finance and Audit Committee- Michael Kint, Treasurer
VI. New Horizons Task Force and Prospective Members- Kerry Bartlett, Vice Chair
VII. Other Business
a. Updates to Bank Signature Cards- Michael Kint, Treasurer
VIII. Public Comment
IX. Adjourn